The renewing of the mind is a time of sweet fellowship with God where we bring our problems to Him, and He helps us see them from His perspective. Sometimes it helps to have a structure for those conversations. Here are some tools you can use to renew your mind:
Renewing of the Mind Tools
Bible Reading:
- Bible with a Purpose
- Scripture Meditation – video
- Scripture Meditation – blog post and podcast episode
- How to Diagram Scripture – This is another way to meditate on Scripture and also a great way to renew your mind!
- Scripture Prayers
- Praying with Thanksgiving
- Questions and Bible Verses: blog posts
- How to Walk in the Spirit: Parts 1 and 2
- Conversations with God: a video on how to use the questions in The Renewing of the Mind Project to renew your mind
- Truth Journaling Introduction
- How to Truth Journal
- Video on How to Truth Journal
- Video on How to Truth Journal with the List Method
- Truth Journaling: the List Method
- Truth Journaling Example
- More articles and examples from my old blog
- Truth Lie Chart (You can use this for truth journaling.)
- Freedom from Emotional Eating: This book has lots of examples and opportunities to practice truth journaling.
- A Good and Bad List
- Accountability Chart from the Renewing of the Mind Project: The-Renewing-of-the-Mind-Project-Accountability-Charts.2
- The explanation for chart: The-Renewing-of-the-Mind-Project-Accountability-Charts
- Word file with both explanation and chart: The Renewing of the Mind Project- Accountability Charts
- Advantages and Disadvantages Chart
- Practical Truth vs. Biblical Truth
- Truth Lie Chart
- My View and God’s View Chart
- Option Charts
- Option Chart (See above link for how to use these.)
- Option Chart (weight loss example)
- Option Charts: A Helpful Weight Loss Renewing Tool
Other Helpful Posts
- How to Renew Your Mind
- Renewing Your Mind: Advice for Beginners
- Preparation Truth: Part 1 and Part 2
- Spiritual Warfare
- 8 Questions to Ask When You Don’t Want to Renew Your Mind
- Renewing of the Mind Bible verses
- Transformation 101 – Blogs posts on the renewing of the mind and personal growth.
- How to Make Yourself Have a Quiet Time or Renew Your Mind
Renewing of the Mind Books
The Renewing of the Mind Project: This book contains 250+ Bible verses and 48 sets of questions you can use to talk to God about your habits, goals, and emotions.
I Deserve a Donut (And Other Lies That Make You Eat): This book contains 150+ Bible verses and 36 sets of questions you can use to renew your mind about weight loss.
Say Goodbye to Emotional Eating: 100 renewing exercises to help you break free from the control of food.
This book along with my bible inspire me to commit to boundaries . I have NEVER EVER made them in my life . I was sick and tired of going around in the same way expecting things to be seafront but never was . I have prayed GOD to change me and I knew only GOD could . The past few years I have be renewing my mind through GOD’s WORD but your book helped me stay on track . So thank you for confirmation . GOD BLESS YOU KEEP IT GOING Brenda Standard
Thank you, Brenda. I’m so glad the book was helpful!
I am just scratching the surface of what this is going to mean for me as I strive to become the person I know God is encouraging me to be. I am pretty excited about finding this book and I look forward to this journey, while I know God has only good planned for me, this will take some dedication and commitment on my part. Not too mention, some real truth telling to myself. I look forward to finding this person that God has intended me to be.
It sounds to me like you have a good idea of what it’s going to take, Sherrie. I’m excited to see what God will do in your life! If you get a chance, write back some day down the road and let me know how it’s going!
This is crazy….I was reading through the comments, not looking at names, and I read your reply, I saw the name “Sherrie” and thought that is strange, rarely does anyone spell their name like me…..then I realized this was me that posted! I really struggled when I went through the RYM project the first time, I just couldn’t wrap my mind around how to implement the program. So here I am again. I get it now! Truly it was by listening to the podcasts that it clicked with me, much simpler than I was making it the first time around. I have one boundary. I follow the First Place for Health program and I follow 10 steps for right now. So those are boundaries in a sense, but, I have been in the program so long, that most of the FP program is a way of life and I don’t think of them as boundaries. When you follow boundaries long enough, they aren’t boundaries anymore, they are so ingrained that they just become part of who you are. We have a magnet in FP it says “ I don’t that anymore”. You interviewed Helen Baratta on one of your podcasts who is also involved with FP, and is on staff. My one RYM Boundary is “PAUSE”. My project is “obedience”. Obedience takes care of everything. EVERYTHING! What goes in my mouth and what comes out of my mouth. But in order for me to be obedient I need to PAUSE, invite God into my food choices, and listen for his voice. I don’t do as well with pausing before I speak, my sense of humor can get me in trouble, sometimes I just think I am funny. But, if I am in an important conversation and I know I am in a situation where God is using me, then I do a lot of inviting God in and pausing. That is they only way I know I will get it right with this person. So it has only been about 2weeks since I have been rolling with Mrs. Raveling and “getting it”. I am a FP leader and our spring session ended and my group doesn’t meet in the summer, so I was looking for something inspiring to use for the next few months. And I grabbed RYM project of my shelf, down loaded a ba-ziollion podcasts and started listening. We live out in the country and we have an hour drive to get to our adult children, and grandchildren, so yours is the voice I hear many times a week. I have been playing around with this last 15 pounds for over a year, I already lost 60 with FP. I started back in 2003, lost 50….then stopped, I got satisfied too quick. Starting in 2010 my husband and I lost 3 parents in 15 months. There was so much going on, my mom was in Hospice for three months, it was a crazy, hectic, emotional time. I totally put my health needs on the back burner, obviously some emotional eating but also just didn’t care, I had too much on my plate. I think I gained about 20 pounds back and realized one day that I had gained almost half my weight back and drew the line in the sand. I had backed out of FP when my mom got sick, after she passed away and I had things handled with her estate which took about 9months, I could focus back on me. So instead of leading again, I became a participant in the FP program.. I lost that 20 pounds and 10 more. I believe that God gave me my “life weight” number about 2 years ago. The weight where I would be healthy. Which was 140….at that time I think I weighed 165. This has been a slow process, mostly due to my lack of participation in this journey. It is hard when friends say you look good, you don’t want to lose anymore weight. But, I know a truth that they don’t know, God gave me a number (Lord knows I would not have set that number as my goal). And the statement “God has put a certain weight on my heart” is not a statement that many people could receive as guidance from the Lord…sounds a little whacky. Anyway….for one week, sticking by my FP program and using my boundary of “pause” I lost over 2 pounds, and now my mindset is I am doing this out of obedience to what the Lord has shown me needs to be done, not because I want to wear a size smaller pants or what compliments I may get. He gets the glory, not me. So I am in conversation with Him multiple times a day, which has made such a difference for me. I feel we are in this together. I have had a few accountability partners over the years, He is the best one yet. I am not sure if you read the replies on here anymore, but, the last line in your response was to write back…so there ya have it! God bless your day and thank you for YOUR obedience in this ministry!
Hi Sherrie! So glad I”ve been driving along with you to get to your grandkids! And that’s so funny that you didn’t realize that the Sherrie was you. :) I love this line in your reply: “When you follow boundaries long enough, they aren’t boundaries anymore, they are so ingrained that they just become part of who you are.” That’s so good and I’m so glad you’re experiencing so much growth in this area! Yay!! And thanks so much for writing back and updating me!
Hi Barb. How would you suggest this book be done in a facebook group?
Hi Karen! Sorry I took so long to answer. I’ve been out hiking and camping for the last week and a half! I do have a study guide for the Renewing of the Mind Project. Here’s a link to that: I think that the study guide would work whether you’re doing an in-person group or a FB group – you’d just want to make sure it was a secret FB group, or at least a closed FB group, so that other people on FB couldn’t see comments since people may be working on sensitive issues. Let me know if you have any other questions about it!
I purchased the Kindle version of your book, The Transformation Project. You said that the accountability charts were not included in the Kindle version but could be found on your blog. I’m looking and can find very little. Am I looking in the correct place? Is there some way you can have all your charts in one place (under one tab) organized by category?
I really love your book and it’s been very helpful to me. Thank you!
Hi P.D.! If you look up above at this blog post, they’re at the very bottom of the page right before the comments. The last heading at the bottom says “Accountability Charts.” I can see why you had a hard time finding them though – I think I’ll move them to underneath the other “Charts” heading! I’ll keep them like this for awhile though so you can find them if you read this comment right away. If you don’t read this reply for a day or two, I may have already moved it to underneath that other “Charts” heading!
Hi Barbara,
Your book (on renewing the mind)and suggestions are all what I have been in need of for sometime now.
I knew God’s word was what I needed but had trouble applying it and following through. So I am thankful for you and your book. I had a bad spiritual battle a few years ago and I am i need of help to combat idolatry and especially the Fear of God (which has been lacking for me) so that I can keep my eyes on Jesus and thus be able to once again see His glory. Do you have any verse suggestions or any other help ideas.?
Hi Melissa! I actually just did a Kay Arthur Bible study on fear which was good and also talked abou the fear of God. Here’s a link to that book: – it would also have some good verses in it. I also think that just the process of working through renewing projects with God will help to build that relationship. It’s important to respect Him but also important to recognize that He loves us no matter what. Hope that helps!
As I was working my way through Eph 6:10-20, I realised, probably properly for the first time, that all our armour is forward facing and that how we have to fight, face on. If we turn our backs we are no longer protected, can’t see what’s happening & in those circumstances we are more likely to flee from satan, when in TRUTH he should be fleeing from us Jas 4:7 because we are following our commanders orders & resisting whatever satan may try to throw at us. Yes it may be hard at times but nowhere near as hard, or painful, as taking a shot from satan in the back.
Thank you for your books and for your honesty in sharing with everyone