Do you ever feel like you’ll never be able to lose weight and keep it off? That’s how I used to feel.
Food was that one thing in life that controlled me, and I thought it would control me forever. I was wrong.
After 25 years of struggling with overeating, God set me free–but not in the way I expected.
You see I thought the answer to my problem was to find a perfect diet.
So I kept going back to the weight loss section at the local library, looking for that book that would transform my life.
I never found it. Instead, I found the answer in a book I already had: my Bible!
Paul tells us in Romans 12:2 that we’re transformed by the renewing of the mind. Once I started doing that, God began to change me–not instantly and not easily–but permanently.
I’ve been free from the control of food for about eight years now and have consistently maintained my weight for that long as well.
If you’re in the same boat I was–wanting to lose weight but feeling like you can’t–there’s hope. God can help. The process is simple:
- Set lifelong boundaries in the area of eating.
- Renew your mind every time you break your boundaries, or better yet, every time you feel like breaking your boundaries.
Sounds simple, right? Unfortunately, it’s FAR from easy!! Don’t worry, though. You’ll find lots of resources on my blog to help you with the process: Bible studies, blog posts, periscopes, YouTube videos and podcasts.
A good podcast to start with would be the interview with my friend Terri, who lost 140 pounds through the renewing of her mind.
For a list of the resources available, check out the weight loss resources tab.
Weight loss and maintenance isn’t easy, but you can do it with God’s help!