Do you ever feel like life has to be going a certain way for you to be happy? I've found that when I hope in God, life is good no matter what. But when I hope in other things—a Covid-free existence, a peaceful world that all likes each other, and a ... [ Read More ]
How to Stop Being Depressed During the Pandemic (or in Regular Life)
If I were to ask the question, "Have you been depressed at all during the pandemic?" my guess is that every single one of you would answer that question with a yes. I know I have. Many days are great, but there are also those days when I feel like ... [ Read More ]
How to Develop a Thankfulness Habit
Do you ever wish you were more positive? Or could more easily focus on the good rather than the bad in people and life? If so, today's podcast will help. We'll talk about how to develop a thankfulness habit. Part of developing a thankfulness ... [ Read More ]
Bible Study: When Life or Ministry is Hard
Do you ever feel like God is asking too much of you? Or like you’re the one who has to do all the work and everyone else gets off easy? When life or ministry is hard, often our first impulse is to run. We're not the only ones who want to ... [ Read More ]
Avoiding Depression: Try to Stay Ahead of the Pain
When our oldest son was ten, he broke his femur skiing and ended up in the hospital for six weeks with his leg in traction. The pain was excruciating, and I still remember one thing the nurse told us: Try to stay ahead of the pain. In other words, ... [ Read More ]
16: Help for Depression: Part 2
You know those days when life feels terrible? Whether it's a day of depression or an ongoing battle, today's podcast will give you some ideas of how to cope with depression. This is part two of my interview with Betty Mullaney, who also ... [ Read More ]
02: When Life is Hard: 11 Questions to Ask
Welcome to the Christian Habits podcast, episode two! I won't normally write a separate blog post to go with the podcast, but thought I would today so I could explain what it's like to do a podcast. The nice thing about blogging is that if you ... [ Read More ]
Bible Study: Keeping the Faith in the Storms of Life
It’s easy to get caught up in our problems and think, my life is a wreck and it's not going to change. Our eyes are on the problems and we begin to lose hope. When that happens to me, my best and often only hope is to get into the Word and see my ... [ Read More ]
20 Things to be Thankful For When Life is Hard
I hope you all have a wonderful Thanksgiving tomorrow celebrating the holiday with family and friends. It comes in the midst of an uncertain time in the history of our country and the world. A time that makes it easier to worry rather than to be ... [ Read More ]
Discontentment and Loneliness
For an example of how I used these questions see: When No One is Commenting on Your Blog. Why are you unhappy? What do you think will make you happy? Will that really make you happy? Why or why not? Are you able to create the conditions you ... [ Read More ]