Have you ever tried to start a habit and just couldn’t make yourself do it? Maybe you wanted to start exercising or have a daily quiet time or write 20 minutes a day. But you just couldn’t make yourself do it.
You might think you don’t have enough discipline. You might be right–at least not at the moment! But thankfully you can change.
The Bible tells us we’re transformed by the renewing of the mind–not by self-control. This is comforting to those of us who struggle with discipline.
The truth is that we can do all things through Christ who strengthens us–we just need to keep going to Him for the strengthening! This blog will help you with that.
If you’d like to start a new habit, and haven’t been able to do it in your own strength, try these steps:
- Make your plan: have a quiet time every morning, for example.
- Then renew your mind every time you can’t make yourself follow the plan.
For help with the renewing of the mind, check out the “Renewing of the Mind Project” tab on this blog. It has all kinds of ideas that will help you renew your mind and start that habit!
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