My journey as a writer began in the 7th grade at a David Wilkerson crusade when I became a Christian. People were flocking to the stage, throwing their drugs on the floor, and I was a little 7th grader (with no drugs) walking down the steps from the top of the auditorium to give my life to Jesus.
I loved God back in the early days of my walk with Him. And I loved my time in the Word and in prayer. But as the years went by, I lost that first love.
Quiet time became a duty, and eventually, it became an uncompleted goal on my New Year’s resolution list each year. I was still a committed Christian but I wasn’t excited about the Word, and I didn’t spend regular time with God.
The Truth Will Set You Free
That all changed when I started renewing my mind at the age of forty. I share the whole story in my book, The Renewing of the Mind Project, but the short story is that I started truth journaling and that completely changed my relationship with God.
He was no longer just an item on my to-do list. Instead, God became my companion, my counselor, my emotional support, and my Lord. I had been a Christian for 28 years at that point, but 2000 was the year I really started growing.
And growing is what made me want to write. I was so incredibly thankful for what God had done in my life that I wanted to share what I’d learned with others. I started teaching Bible studies locally, and eventually, I began writing as I knew that’s what I had to do to reach people outside of my valley.
My Focus
In addition to writing books and Bible studies, I also podcast and am currently creating online courses that can also be used in a church setting. My passion is to help the church grow—not in numbers—but in maturity. I love helping people break free from strongholds, gain victory over their negative emotions, grow closer to God, follow through on goals, and start life-giving habits, such as having a daily quiet time.
I believe we’re transformed by the renewing of the mind and you’ll find examples of how to renew your mind for life change all over this website. Most of my resources come from my own renewing times with God, but I’ve also had extensive training in biblical counseling and am an executive Christian coach through my training with Coach Approach Ministries.
I hope you enjoy the resources at this blog. If you’d like to get an idea of what you can find here, go to the start here tab.