Hi Everyone, This is the last day of journal entries on blogging, then one summary post, then on to another subject! I hope you haven’t gotten too tired of blogging posts – it seems like I needed to post on it for this long just to work through all my own blogging problems. Anyway, I appreciate the input all of you have had on this subject.
Matthew 29:20-29 Jesus didn’t come to say, “Hey, guys, look at me! I’ve got some really cool sermons – see what you think of this!”
Instead, He came to serve – to lay down His life for others.
The hardest part of writing a blog is opening myself up to the possibility of rejection and condemnation. The cross (Matthew 16:24-26) I need to take up is a willingness to be condemned and ridiculed.
Jesus would say to me: One thing you lack. Go your way and write a blog, writing whatever I tell you to write even if you know people won’t agree with you and even if you suspect you’re not a good writer, and you will have treasure in heaven.” (Mark 10:21)
God didn’t save me just so I could have a cushy life with a cushy ministry. He saved me so I could love His people and serve Him. I can’t love well unless I get down and roll up my sleeves and sacrifice.
Satan: Look at you. You’re a wreck. How can you publish anything?
Barb: Moses couldn’t lead the children out of the Promised Land. Daniel couldn’t fight off the lions. Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego couldn’t save themselves from the fire. I don’t have to be capable. I have a capable God.
God wanted Jonah to speak to the Ninevites because He loved the Ninevites. Jonah said, “No, God, I don’t want to do that. It’s not fair. They don’t deserve it.”
God says to me, “I want you to blog about habits, idols, and emotions because I love the people you’re writing to.”
And I say, “No, God, I don’t want to do that. It’s not fun, and it’s too hard and I’m not good enough. But if you insist, I suppose I could give it a try, but just let me check my e-mails, comments, and stats first to see if it’s worth it.”
I’m saying this to God, the King of the Universe.
Final Notes
I’m getting better. You may not be able to tell that from these journal entries, but I can feel joy creeping in on a regular basis now. My idols are crumbling, and I’m feeling closer to God again. Not all the way there yet, but I’m moving in the right direction.
I’ll write one last post about some of the things I’ve learned over the last six months of intensive journaling on this subject, but today I just want to encourage you.
If you have an idol – or one of those sins that won’t let go – consider making it a renewing of the mind project.
It will be messy (I had no idea how many blogging issues I had until I started journaling about them).
It will be time-consuming (I have three journals filled with entries about blogging and writing).
It will look bad on paper (I’ve spared you the worst of my journal entries.)
And some days it will seem like you’re a mess and you’re making no progress at all.
But eventually the truth will set you free if you persevere.
We can say “this should be easier” all we want, but the truth is, breaking free from sin is never easy.
But then Jesus never said it would be.
“I don’t have to be capable. I have a capable God” – I love this Barb, and the rest of the thoughts in this post. I’ve delved into my own challenges and it’s not pretty. But with God, we can do all things. Thanks for these series. It’s been a blessing to me and I believe to many others.
Thanks for the encouragement, Ngina – I appreciate it!
Your series speaks to me. Thank you.
Just yesterday morning I had an epiphany…for the last 4 years I’ve been eating crow! It hasn’t been fun and I still more to eat…but I thank God He loved me enough to make me eat it slowly. I don’t think I could have handled it (or learned as much) had He forced it down my throat (like I deserve). He’s been gently humbling me…it’s beautiful…and I’m getting more gracious at eating my humble crow pie!
I love that, TC – “I thank God He loved me enough to make me eat it slowly.” That shows how wonderful God is that even when He makes us eat crow, He does it in the most loving way possible. I’ve experienced the same thing from Him and I’m always thankful in the end – not always in the middle, but definitely in the end if I submit in the middle.
IF…such a small word with BIG meaning!
Don’t know about you, but I usually have a stomach ache while eating the crow!
Haha – yes, I do.
You struck a nerve when you talked about opening up yourself to condemnation and rejection. I initially set up my blog to write under a pen name just because I feared the rejection. But right before I was getting ready to launch, God convicted me about my pride and I changed. I’m still nervous about the endeavor. I’m the type that hates showing people a work in progress. I don’t mind showing finished products, but I don’t like people to see the process of getting there. So it’s quite painful still, in a way, blogging. But I need to get over my pride :)
Wow, that surprises me because you’re so good at what you do. I also would have had a much easier time writing under a pen name but the thought never occurred to me – maybe that’s a good thing! I was just listening to your “How to Stop Being a Serial Quitter” podcast this morning while I was cleaning and it’s just the perfect thing I needed to hear today. Time management is one of my greatest weaknesses and your blog and podcasts are really helping me.
Life and blogging requires a serving and others mindset. I find this is the key to having a community of people who are fans. Very little can happen when we focus on God and others. Great thoughts.
Thanks, Dan. The more we focus on God and others, the better off we are in so many ways – I need to drill that into my head!
In January, I will have been blogging for a year. I remember the fear of rejection and ridicule inside of me when I posted the first blog. Yikes! But a publisher told me…”You need social media”
The second fear surfaced when someone I’d never heard of read my blog and posted a comment! It was a compliment, but I was worried I had no control over who might read it. I felt vulnerable. And yet, blogging has been a creative outlet that satisfies my heart, and reflects my own spiritual journey in 2012. I always go back to my old mantra…”I’m writing for an audience of ONE.” The Lord is able to use our blogs for His purposes, and to receive glory unto Himself. There’s plenty of heretical words on the internet……we fellow writers/saints are lights in a dark world.
It sounds like we’ve had similar feelings about it, Karen. And like you, the more I write in fellowship with God, the better it is. Congratulations on a year!