This is an excerpt from Day 1 of Taste for Truth: A 30 Day Weight Loss Bible Study
Do you ever feel like you’ll never break free from the control of food? I used to feel that way. Overeating was that one thing in life I thought I’d never be able to overcome. Every year, I’d make the same New Year’s resolution: Lose x number of pounds. Every year I failed to reach my goal.
I tried diets. And about every twenty-ninth time they worked— usually when I had some reason I absolutely had to lose weight. A wedding. A reunion. Or a number on the scale so shocking I could hardly believe what I was seeing.
If I was beyond-the-end-of-my-rope desperate, I could sometimes work up enough willpower to lose weight. At least enough to get me into the “good enough” category.
But it never lasted. I always gained the weight back. This went on for twenty-five years. Gain. Lose. Gain. Lose. Gain. Lose. I could pretty much tell what my life was like by looking at my weight.
When life was good, I was slim. When life was bad, I was overweight. I was an emotional eater, and my weight reflected what was going on in my life at the time.
I wish I could say, “But then one day, I saw the light and suddenly my life changed!”
Unfortunately, that’s not what happened. This is what really happened: One day I discovered a discipline that God has used to transform my life in countless ways. That discipline is the renewing of the mind. And because of the Holy Spirit working through that discipline, I now live free from the control of food.
However—and this is a sad however—it didn’t happen overnight. It took a long time. Hours of meeting with God to discuss my food issues with Him and look at life from His perspective. But those hours spent with Him? They were incredible hours. Hours that brought me closer to Him. Hours that got me excited about His Word. And hours that slowly, but powerfully, began to change me.
If you’re in the same spot I was for twenty-five years—feeling like you’ll never break free from food’s control over you—let me encourage you. God is powerful. He can do anything, including setting you free from the stronghold of overeating.
He may not do it as quickly as you’d like—that’s almost a guarantee—but He will do it if you seek Him for help. This Bible study is all about going to Him for help. Let’s begin by getting a biblical view of transformation.
Bible Study
Read the following Bible verses with weight loss in mind. List the role we play and the role God plays in the transformation process.
Our Role | God’s Role | |
John 8:31-32 | ||
John 15:1-5 | ||
Romans 12:2 | ||
2 Corinthians 10:3-5 |
- In summary, what is our part in the transformation process?
- What is God’s part in the transformation process?
- What do you normally do when you want to be transformed in the area of weight?
- According to the verses you just read, is that enough? Why or why not?
The Greek word used for “abide” in John 8:31-32 and John 15:4-5 is the same word that’s used for living in a house. The idea is that we don’t just visit the Word for ten minutes a day. We live in the Word. Meditate on it. Chew on it as we walk through the day.
Let it fill us and change the way we think about life. Let it fill us and change the way we think about food. And even let it fill us and change the way we think about ourselves.
My prayer is that this Bible study will be a time of deep fellowship with God as you go to Him for help with weight loss and maintenance. Each day I’ll have a short study and an optional assignment that will help you apply the lesson. Here’s your first assignment. (Continued in Taste for Truth: A 30 Day Weight Loss Bible Study.)
Note: This is an excerpt from Day 1 of Taste for Truth: A 30 Day Weight Loss Bible Study
Congratulations! I’ll retry on the review, Barb. You make a very good point about this working for any kind of bad habit any of us might be battling. I’m truly happy for you, sister.
Thanks for the encouragement, Floyd – I appreciate it!
Woo hoo! You know I’ve been patiently waiting for the launch of this study Barb! I already posted reviews for FFEE and IDAD so I have hit all 5 of the contest entry requirements.
Thanks, Cindy – I appreciate it! Hope you are doing well!
Yay so excited for the release of your new book!!!
Thanks, Adriane!
So glad the book is out! I just recently found I Deserve a Donut and it has been a help to me. Thank you!
I’m so glad, Jamie. Thanks for commenting, I’ll put your name in the drawing!
Congratulations, Barb! I just bought a copy of your new book on Amazon and am thrilled to support your latest endeavor. You writings have been such a blessing to me, and most importantly, they help me refocus my attention on the One who gave me true freedom.
Thanks, Mary! I’m glad they’ve been a blessing, and thanks for buying a copy of my new study!
My girlfriend has recently started using ‘I Deserve a Donut’ and she said it is helping her very much. She also feels that it addresses issues that most other weight loss/overeating books do not even come close to addressing. Thank you for the giveaway opportunity, I’m sure my girlfriend will be looking into ‘Taste for Truth’ even if we do not win a copy!
Thanks, Evan, I appreciate that encouragement, and I’ll enter you guys in the drawing. I hope you win a copy for your girlfriend!
Hi Evan – you won a book! Please email me with your address and which book you’d like!
I am really looking forward to reading the book. I love your no-nonsense writing style.
Thanks, Amy, I appreciate that. When I first started writing I was thinking how nice it would be if I were more of a luvvy-duvvy Christian writer like so many great women writers out there, but I’m afraid I couldn’t make that happen. I’m glad you like the no-nonsense approach. :)
I would love to win a copy of your new book. I’m looking forward to this bible study. You have helped me so much already!!! I love the ‘I Deserve a Donut’ app!
Thanks, Julie – I’m glad the app is helping! I’ll put you in the drawing!
Wohoo congratulations Barb! Now, how did you manage to crank out two books in one year!? :) Lol. So happy for you. I agree with Amy, love your no-nonsense writing style.
Thanks, Ngina – lol, it is pretty shocking, knowing what a procrastinator I am. :) I’m thankful that God is teaching me how to finish projects – but it helped that a good share of I Deserve a Donut was already written from the app and that I’m at the stage of life now where I’m still at home, but with only one kid who is gone a lot from working, taking a college class, etc. It would be a lot harder if I were also working another job or still had lots of kids at home.
Hi Ngina – you won a book! Please email me with your address and which book you’d like!
I would love to have this book in book form! Thanks for doing this!!!
Thanks, Debbie. Appreciate the encouragement. :)
Hi Debbie – you won a book! Please email me with your address and which book you’d like!
So proud of you for making this happen. Praise the Lord for giving you godly insight.
Thanks, Karen – and thanks for sharing on FB. I have no idea why the whole picture doesn’t show. Oh well!
Hi Mary, I liked your comment. :) I’ll put your name in the drawing. I’m sorry it’s not available on Android. It costs a lot to make them into apps so that’s why haven’t done it yet – maybe some day!
So proud of you! Of course I will tweet about this. I’ve already written a review on one of your books and will happily do it again!
So I guess I get my name in 3x!
Have fun with your kiddos and God bless! you’re a busy little bee.
Thanks, TC – I appreciate you! Will put your name in!
I can’t wait to win a copy! :-) You only need to put 1 name in the hat…MINE! LOL! Just teasing. :-) So proud of you, my friend! Your material is SO obviously from God and he has been changing you…proof to all that what you are teaching WORKs! (Not just for weight loss!)
Oh…I just posted on Facebook, Pinterest and here…do I get three slips in the drawing? :-)
You sure do. :) I’m filling in all the little slips of paper tonight – at least what I have so far. It reminds me of grade school days, drawing for presents at school. Fun!
Thanks, Heidi – you are such a great encourager! I appreciate you!! :)
So excited! This book is going on my list of studies I want to start soon! (I shared your page with Facebook, Pinterest, Twitter and Google+)
Thanks for sharing Laura.
Thanks, Laura, I appreciate it it – will put your name in the drawing 4 times!
Hi Laura – you won a book! Please email me with your address and which book you’d like!
yay!!! Thanks!!! I emailed you… twice! I forgot to put my address in the message so I sent it again. :)
I hope Laura Ronngren wins one. :) Me too. Add one name for me please. Thanks!
I will, Dalia – thanks for stopping by!
After reading your other books I would love to meet you in person I think you would be a great friend, wise and fun. Good Luck with the new book.
That’s so nice of you to say, EllaRose. I wish I could meet you in person as well! It’s much more fun to be a Bible study with real people rather than to write Bible studies. :)
I would like to win a free book please add my name to the bucket it possible. ThankYou
Will add you to the drawing!
I really need this new book. I have the “Freedom” book and it is fabulous. I shared the new book advertisement on my Facebook timeline. So thanks for 2 chances to win!
Thanks, Hope – I’ll put you in twice! So glad you liked FFEE!
I loved being part of the test group for Taste of Truth. I look forward to getting a copy in my hands.
Loved having you in it, Linda! I’ll put you in the drawing!
Looking forward to this study…:)
Thanks, LeeAnne! I’ll add you to the drawing!
What a huge accomplishment, congratulations! Your a great example to follow. Keep up the amazing work!
Thanks, Dan. I appreciate the encouragement.
I’ve always struggled with weight loss and would love to put God’s Word with it! After all, with Him all things are possible!!
Yes, that’s a good promise to rest on, Laurie – it’s true. I’ll add you to the drawing!
Sounds like an amazing study!
Thanks, Andrea – I’ll add you to the drawing!
I just commented pinned and shared on facebook! Thanks Barb, I love your approach and your commitment to the truth setting us free!
Thanks, Michelle, I’ll put three names in the hat for you. And thanks for sharing. I appreciate it!
Barb, sounds like a great book. My wife and I have really been struggling with our eating habits since we got back to America.
That’s not surprising – all those eating opportunities! Plus being out of your normal eating element. Are you back in the States again? It seemed like you went back to Ukraine again after you guys got back – or was that just a video from before you left?
I made a quick trip, 6 days and arrived home this week.
I have been waiting for this book for a while now I am so happy you finished it. I wish you all the best with it.
Thanks so much, Lynette. I am also happy I finished it!
Barb, I really appreciate the work you’ve put into this book. I’m linking you up on my most recent post on why American Christians tend to be fat and unhealthy! Blessings to you!
Thanks, Caleb, I appreciate that. I don’t think I read that post – unless it’s the one I just googled which you did in June on books – I loved that one! Did you do another one on actual physical health?
Barb, I actually haven’t published it yet but I’ll probably be doing that today. I’ll send you a link when I get it up. I wrote the post yesterday but didn’t have a good image for it so I just need to find a good image today.
Ahh, no wonder i couldn’t find it. I was afraid I was missing something. :) Although, funnily enough, when I googled it, I came up with the blog post you wrote in June – which actually had a good image for your new one if you don’t mind using the same image twice. :)
I think I’m going with a new image. Actually that post in June was more of an analogy to faith than really about being overweight.
Yes, I know – I had actually commented on it back then, but I was just thinking the image fit. :) But it’s always nice to have a new image.
Forgot to say, thanks for writing the Amazon review. I appreciate it!
My copy arrived Friday and I got to work on it this morning. It is a very sobering and thought provoking book that cuts to the heart of the problem with hope for freedom. Thank you for your hard work and obedience to the leading of our Heavenly Father.
Thanks for the encouragement, Cindy. I hope it’s helpful. :)
I’m sure it will be IF I will do the hard work!
haha, yes. :)
Awesome, Barb. I’m late to the party but congrats on everything about this study.
Thanks, Loren. It feels good to be finished with it!