It’s that time of year we all know and love: The Holiday Eating Season.
If you’d like a lie/truth chart that will help you renew your mind during the holidays, click here, as I am guest posting today at You can also enter a drawing there for a free copy of I Deserve a Donut (And Other Lies That Make You Eat).
I also had fun being interviewed by my friend, Melanie Wilson, on her podcast, the Homeschool Sanity Show, about the lies that make you eat. If you’d like to listen to the podcast, click here.
Hope you all have a happy Thanksgiving!!
Kimmoy says
One of the lies I tell myself is that everyone else is eating is so it’s no big deal for me to eat it and also if it’s there, I can’t help myself, why not induldge? This definitely cause me to eat things that was not in my original plans. Working on renewing my mind and applying the Philippians 4:13 scripture to that area of my life. Thanks!
Barb Raveling says
I think I’ve said those same things to myself a time or two (or a hundred). :) Philippians 4:13 is a good one – also Philippians 4:11. I can be content in all situations, even when everyone is stuffing themselves, and I’m not! :)
Sunshine Campbell Schuppel says
Love this list! It’s going on my refrigerator this season. :-) The lie that most often gets me is “I don’t know when I’ll get this again. I better eat as much as I can now.” Probably because there are certain things I only make once or twice a year. Good reminder that I can make it anytime I want, so I don’t HAVE to eat it now!
Barb Raveling says
Thanks, Sunshine, I hope it helps. :) My biggest lie is that I have to try a little bit of everything – which is dangerous since we have Thanksgiving with friends and usually have at least four different types of pie! I guess I should have included that lie on the list. :)
Dave Arnold says
Great list Barb! I’ll have to listen to the podcast too. My wife is planning on homeschooling our son. He’s 3 now. Blessings & Happy Thanksgiving.
Barb Raveling says
Thanks, Dave. I bet you’ll enjoy homeschooling. Our oldest is 26 now, so we’ve been homeschooling for 21 years. It’s been pretty wonderful overall!
Loren Pinilis says
Had a chance to listen to the podcast – great stuff, Barb! Such a great and practical way to renew our minds.
Barb Raveling says
Thanks, Loren. I appreciate the encouragement! Thanks for listening.