Wouldn’t it be ironic if writing a blog on how to break free from bad habits and sins drove me to drink? In order to avoid that possibility, I’ve decided to post today’s Bible study over at my other blog
P.S. If any of you know how to post a chart to WordPress (or leave more than a double space between paragraphs), please let me know!
CJ says
Thanks for this bible study! I finished this one this morning, saved it in a Word document. Anyway – it was exactly what I needed after a tense weekend with the husband … and then you hit me with 1 Corinthians 13:4-7 (which I plastered on my computer screen so whenever I hop on it at work, I read it)… I replaced it with my name… It’s helping me to put this whole weekend into perspective. Forgetting the small things and looking at the big scheme of things. Thanks Barb!