Podcast: Play in new window | Download (Duration: 5:54 — 8.1MB) | Embed
This isn’t a podcast, but it’s listed as a podcast because of the recording.
Suppose you’ve been trying to lose the same 20 pounds (or break that same bad habit) for the last six years.
Every time you start doing well, something comes up: a vacation, a holiday (Easter, for example), a hectic few weeks at work or at home–something that throws you off your weight loss plan.
What you really want is just to relax and enjoy life–eat what you want when you want–and still be able to lose or maintain your weight. Is that too much to ask? After all, aren’t we told that life should be easy?
That we should be able to get what we want with very little effort?
Let’s do an option chart to see if we can get what we want in this situation. Since we also want a close walk with God, let’s add that column to the chart this time.
Once again, I’ll use a recording to explain the chart. (I explained these charts in my last post. Click here to get that post.) The recording is 5:54, and I apologize for it being a bit “echo-y.” I’m trying to find the best place in the house to do this, and didn’t choose a good room today! To listen to the sound recording, click here.
Options | Lose Weight | The Good Life!! | Relationship with God |
Lose weight quickly and easily!!!!!!! | NOT | AN | OPTION!!! |
Give up because it’s too hard. | ↓ | ↑↓ | ?↓ |
Muster up all the will power you can find and just lose this weight!!!!! You can do it!!!! | ↓ | ↓ |
Renew your mind every once in awhile to see if that helps. | ?↓ | ↓ | ?↑ |
Give up whenever it’s hard and start being good tomorrow!!! | ↓ | ↑↓ | ?↓ |
Beat yourself up because you’re such a failure. | ↓ | ↓ | ↓ |
Commit to 1) lifelong boundaries 2) renewing your mind every single time you break your boundaries. Get an accountability partner if you can’t make yourself renew your mind. | ↑ | ↓↑ |
P.S. In order for an option chart to be a true “renewing of the mind” tool, you would need a “Relationship with God” column as that will help you look at life from a biblical perspective.
P.S.S. I’m thinking of starting a podcast. If anyone has any advice for me or ideas for a title, please let me know! I interviewed my friend who lost 140 pounds this week and was fascinated by all she had to say, but I haven’t been able to figure out how to put it on my blog yet. Any suggestions would be helpful!
Other Weight Loss Resources
Taste for Truth: A 30 Day Weight Loss Bible Study is focused on the lies that make us eat, body image, and the weight loss process. I wrote this Bible study to go along with the questions and Bible verses in I Deserve a Donut, and although you can do the study without I Deserve a Donut, it’s best if you have both books.
I Deserve a Donut (And Other Lies That Make You Eat) is a renewing of the mind resource to use in the midst of temptation and also to prepare yourself for temptation. I use it all the time, just for regular life. It is filled with 36 sets of questions and over 150 Bible verses that you can use to have conversations with God about life and food. The questions and Bible verses will help you renew your mind, taking off the lies that make you eat and putting on the truth that will set you free. It’s also available as a free app.
Freedom from Emotional Eating: A Weight Loss Bible Study is more focused on emotional eating. Although there is material on boundaries and breaking free from the control of food, most of the book is devoted to learning how to let go of negative emotions. The comment I get most often with this book is that yes, it helped me with eating, but it helped me even more with letting go of my negative emotions.
Love that “commit to” column. Powerful words when said and heard aloud, as well as in print. It’s the use of our free will, three months and it could be a habit for a lifetime!
How bout’ “Barb’s Banter”?
That’s catchy! I think one of the hardest parts will be thinking of a name. :)
This was very good. I definitely think you should do a podcast. You, like Heidi, have a wonderful voice to listen to! It would be a joy to have that as a resource from you!
Thank you! I love listening to Heidi’s sound recordings and videos. I’m hoping I can get this going!
No suggestions, but looking forward to hearing your podcasts!
You’ve a knack for helping people and breaking things down. I know I tend to think “I need to pick the best option” but really I need to renew my mind and be committed to that. Thanks!
Thanks, TC. I’m looking forward to trying a podcast. It’s a little scary to even say I’m going to try it since that commits me to it, but maybe that’s the best way to ensure I make the effort!
Yeah, it might just be the push you need :)
You’ll do great. You’ve tons of knowledge and a great voice to listen to. It’s pleasant, not harsh on the ears.
Thanks! I think it would be easier for me than writing because I like to talk more than write. :)
But you will continue in this venue as well, right???
Yes, I will – thanks, Nanette. It’s always nice to know someone wants me to write. :)
phewwwwwww….. thanks :-)
lol, you’re welcome. :)
Great post! I’d love to hear your podcast! Here’s a helpful post by Michael Hyatt about getting started with podcasting http://michaelhyatt.com/podcasting-a-to-z.html Here’s one more from him called “4 Reasons Why You Should Consider Launching Your Own Podcast” http://michaelhyatt.com/launch-your-podcast.html Hope they help! Look forward to your podcast!
Thanks, Brooke – I’ll check those out. I appreciate the links!
I love hearing your voice and explanation Barb! You break things down so well. I’d love to listen to your podcast! (it will be a delightful encouragement in the gym!) Will it be purely weight-loss podcast or you’ll get into other areas, like you do on the blog. But either way, the weight loss tips really help in other areas too, so either way, I think will be great.
Thanks, Ngina! It would go into all the things I talk about on my blog, not just weight loss. I think I’m past the “considering it” stage and moving into the planning it stage! I just didn’t realize there is so much to it. It looks like it could take awhile to get it all ready.
I am looking forward! All the best with planning and the things that need to get done!
Thanks, Ngina!
Anyway you can get this message out Barb would be good. Wish I had some good advice on how to do what you want to but I do good just writing on my blog once in a while. But I know there are many out there who could help you, praying you find just the right advice.
Thanks, Betty. I just found a good free tutorial on podcasting. I’ll list the link here just in case anyone is reading these comments and is interested: http://www.smartpassiveincome.com/how-to-start-a-podcast-podcasting-tutorial/
Hi Barb! I came over from TC’s blog.
I did take a listen to your podcast. Nice work! You have a very pleasant voice, and it really drew me in to what you were saying.
I really like this chart, and not just for weight loss (although I am interested in doing that). I have really gotten into the habit of beating myself up for failing with many things, and that’s really a bad thing to do. I appreciate the column that addresses that.
So nice to be here! Looks like you are doing a lot of great things :)
Thanks, Ceil! (Hope I spelled that right.) I also struggle with beating myself up, especially over writing issues. I’ve used these charts for lots of different things. They help to get a good perspective on the situation. Thanks for stopping by!
She lost 140 pounds this week???? I will definitely listen to your podcast to learn how this is done!! :) I have always dreamed of waking up a size 8. (I am tall, so a size 8 for me would be like a size 2 for most people.) Seriously, I would love to hear your podcast on this issue.
That is so funny. :) I guess I could have phrased that sentence better. :) The sad truth is that it didn’t happen in a week. I’m sorry I haven’t gotten the podcast out yet. I was out of town for more than a week and haven’t gotten back into the swing of things yet. I tried to put the podcast on my blog earlier but it said the file was too big so I need to find another way to get it out. I will try to do that soon!
Barb, thanks for bearing with and being gracious about my chuckle. If your friend HAD lost that much in a week, it wouldn’t be so great anyway because he/she would have a lot of sagging surplus skin since skin takes a while to ‘get lost’ or shrink. Generally I have read that losing a pound or two a week is the best rate for giving one’s skin a chance to shrink back along with the weight loss. It also pays, one doctor told me, to give oneself a year after losing all the excess weight to let the skin finish its shrinking task. Even at that, surgery may still be needed for some excess skin removal. I may be facing that myself after I lose my weight. It is a huge reason (pardon the pun) that I wish I had remained self-controlled with my eating. My weight gain came in my late forties with a particular prescription med plus hormonal changes plus emotional eating per a stressful remarriage. I gained 93 pounds and still have 80 to lose.
My friend recommended your “I Deserve a Donut” book, and I hope it arrives in the mail today. Her overview and the excerpts she shared sound like you have provided a very helpful and insightful book-and not just applicable to weight loss! I love the categories and questions!!!!! Many thanks!
P.S. Barb, after my friend described the “I Deserve a Donut” book, and read some of the questions, I think what I will do is take each page of questions and reformat them with space in between for me to fill in my answers. Essentially, I will be making them into ‘worksheets’ by topic. I will make multiple copies of each category and file them so I can just pull out the topic I need, and answer the questions right on the paper. That appeals to me since I am not much of a journalist and I like the idea of pulling a page to work on. Maybe that would be something that you could incorporate into future reprints. I don’t know if that would be helpful to others or not, however.
Hmm, that’s an interesting idea. I just answer the questions in my journal most of the time, which works well. If you get a chance, let me know how this works.
Hi again! I was just thinking of you this morning and I had an idea. Could you email me if you get a chance? You can find my email under the about tab up at the top of this blog.
I think my friend lost it over the course of two years. I can’t remember if she talks about this in the interview, but she did tell me that the extra skin was a problem even though she lost it at a good healthy rate. She was thinking she might have about 10 pounds of weight in extra skin, but she’s decided not to do anything about it since she’s over 60. She thought she might if she were in her 30’s. She looks great though (although she also looked great when she was 140 pounds heavier!). Yes, the Donut book is very applicable to other areas of life, not just weight loss.
Yes, it can be fun. I drink great tasting protein shakes and have taken vitamins/herbs for a long time, so staying healthy is not the drag/struggle that I see people go through when they are not getting the right nutrition.
Plus I’m guessing you feel really great from all that good nutrition, which also makes life more fun!