Do you ever find yourself eating because you’re tired? It’s easy to grab something thinking, This will perk me up, and then regret it when we’re still tired an hour later.
The truth is, eating may give us energy in the moment, but that energy never lasts for very long.
And while it may be essential at times—when we’re in danger of falling asleep at the wheel, for example—most of the time we’d be far better off if we just took a nap or did something active to boost our energy.
If you struggle with low energy eating, here are 6 questions you can use to renew your mind (For more questions like these, check out I Deserve a Donut (And Other Lies That Make You Eat):
Low Energy Eating Questions
- Will this food wake you up for the rest of the day, or will it only wake you up for a short time?
- What will happen the rest of the day if you break your boundaries now?
- Is it worth the sacrifice just to be awake for a short time?
- What is it that you need right now?
- What’s the best way to meet that need?
- What can you be thankful for in this situation?
Are People Who Take Naps Lazy?
If you’re the type of person who thinks that only lazy people take naps, here are two other questions you can ask:
- Does taking a nap automatically mean you’re lazy? Why or why not?
- Does refusing to take a nap make you more productive? Why or why not?
The truth is, we’ll be far more energetic if we a) maintain a healthy weight, b) maintain healthy eating and exercise habits, and c) get enough sleep. And sometimes we need a little nap to get enough sleep.
If that’s the case, then taking a nap doesn’t mean we’re lazy. It means we’re smart.
Question: What do you usually do when you’re tired during the day? Do you have any other tips to avoid low energy eating?
Other Weight Loss Resources
Taste for Truth: A 30 Day Weight Loss Bible Study is focused on the lies that make us eat, body image, and the weight loss process. I wrote this Bible study to go along with the questions and Bible verses in I Deserve a Donut, and although you can do the study without I Deserve a Donut, it’s best if you have both books.
I Deserve a Donut (And Other Lies That Make You Eat) is a renewing of the mind resource to use in the midst of temptation and also to prepare yourself for temptation. I use it all the time, just for regular life. It is filled with 36 sets of questions and over 150 Bible verses that you can use to have conversations with God about life and food. The questions and Bible verses will help you renew your mind, taking off the lies that make you eat and putting on the truth that will set you free. It’s also available as a free app.
Freedom from Emotional Eating: A Weight Loss Bible Study is more focused on emotional eating. Although there is material on boundaries and breaking free from the control of food, most of the book is devoted to learning how to let go of negative emotions. The comment I get most often with this book is that yes, it helped me with eating, but it helped me even more with letting go of my negative emotions.
Floyd says
Sometimes coffee, but always small snacks through out the day.
Barb Raveling says
I love coffee – have to limit myself so I can sleep at night though. :)
Caleb says
This is probably the main time that I overeat and I know it! I really struggled with it last Friday and Saturday. I mean I was completely out of energy for almost 2 whole days. I think it’s God’s way of telling me, “Caleb, you need to get your rest”. Anyway it made me want to eat things that are high sugar for that quick rush! I gave in a few times, then I realized that I probably should just rest and that’s what I did.
Barb Raveling says
I think it’s the main temptation for a lot of people. I’ve had several people write me to ask for some tired eating questions. Sugar is nice for that quick rush, but there’s always that fall afterwards!
Betty says
This is really helpful! So glad you addressed this topic as it’s a huge one for me. Thanks!
Barb Raveling says
You’re welcome, Betty. Hope the questions help!
BlessingCounter - Deb Wolf says
Great questions Barb. I’ve started using an exercise ball as my desk chair. It works my muscles and keeps me alert. I love it!
Barb Raveling says
That’s a great idea. I think I actually have one of those in my garage – my girls used it for exercising. I’ll have to try it!
Betty Draper says
Taking a short nap has been great for me who does not sleep well. Actually I am up late as I type this which I decided to do instead of go for food. I also try stretching when I can’t sleep so I won’ t eat. I am learning there are lots of little things I can do instead of going for the food every time. As always an informative post Barb. I am enjoying the bible study on the book, Crave. It has given me some insight into my eating habits and some motivations for dealing with my food. Learning that old truth again, I eat to live, not live to eat.
Barb Raveling says
Stretching is a great idea. I hadn’t thought of that. Glad you’re enjoying the Made to Crave Bible study. I’ve read the book and thought it was good but haven’t seen the study. I think her book came out a couple of years after my Freedom from Emotional Eating study so I was already living in victory by that point but it was still fun to read since we write on the same subject. Glad it’s helpful.
Cyndi Quattrociocchi says
I personally have an issue with sleep and eating. I have alot of issues with sleeping at night and I usually do not nap. I get up in the middle of the night and I have to walk through my kitchen to get to the bathroom. Alot of the time but not all the time I will snack on something on my way back from the bathroom. I now put signs with big writing on my fridge like are you really hungry. But a famous preacher once said we need to HALT during times when we are most vulnerable and HALT stands for…H—-hungry A–angry L–lonely and T–tired…just thought it was worth mentioning.
Barb Raveling says
That is so great that you put a sign on your refrigerator, Cyndi. What a great idea! And I can see how the letters could help you understand why you’re eating. Thanks for sharing – that’s a great idea! I’m often awake in the middle of the night as well. It’s harder to follow boundaries when you don’t sleep that many hours. One of the ladies in my class once had a husband who would sleepwalk in the middle of the night and eat in his sleep! At least we don’t do that. :)
Cyndi Quattrociocchi says
Barb, just wondering you mentioned a class what kind of class are you in?
Barb Raveling says
Oh, I was talking about a Bible study I taught locally years ago. The only class I’m teaching right now is a Sunday school class for the teenagers at my church. :)
Cyndi Quattrociocchi says
Thank you for sharing with us Barb!
Dave Arnold says
Often when I am really tired it’s because I haven’t had enough water. Good reminder: we are responsible for our “temples.”
Barb Raveling says
That’s interesting. I think I had heard that before that not enough water can make you tired. I’ll have to remember that!
Dan Black says
Water is huge, I try to always be drinking water.
Dan Black says
When I’m tried, most times I take a short nap (If I’m able) or eat healthy/energy giving foods. I found doing so creates energy.
Barb Raveling says
I also take naps if I’m tired. That’s one nice thing about no longer having little kids in the house. I can actually take a nap if I need it!
Dan Black says
Ha, my son still takes 2-3 hour naps so I’m able to sneak in a 15-30 minute nap while he is napping. I’m enjoying it because I know he will not always take naps:)
Barb Raveling says
Gotta love those 2-3 hour naps!! I’m so glad God designed little kids to need naps. :)
Dan Black says
Yes, it’s a gift from God:) A break for parents.
Tori says
This is so helpful. Thank you. I’m a stay-at-home mom of four. I have a slow thyroid and I’m tired all of the time. Being tired is my biggest trigger for emotional eating. It is so frustrating when people just say to get more sleep. When no matter how much sleep I get I will still be tired because of my thyroid. I often decide not to take a nap so I can accomplish things. But I end up eating because I’m tired and procrastinating. I will definitely be posting this question somewhere. God bless you!
Barb Raveling says
Hi Tori! I was also a stay-at-home mom of four and later a homeschooling mom. I’m guessing that must be really hard if you’re tired all of the time! I hope the questions will help. I think eating is a common response to being tired. We think it will pep us up but it only lasts for a short time. And maybe not at all if you have a slow thyroid. :( Also there is a free app available with more questions and Bible verses called I Deserve a Donut – you can find it under the weight loss resources tab at the top of my blog!
Michele Ervin says
In question 1 about whether the food will wake you up for the rest of the day or only for a short time – NO food will wake you up for the entire day. That seems like a pointless question. Do you have any further insight now since this was published almost 3 years ago?
Next, what do you do when you know you need a nap instead of food but can’t take one right then?
Barb Raveling says
Hi Michele! The reason I ask that question is because we often believe the lie that “eating will energize me” and that’s why we give in to tired eating. The question is there to remind us that this will only energize us for a short time so is it really worth breaking our boundaries when it’s not really going to do what we want it to do?
When you know you need a nap and can’t take one, you could try something like eating five nuts (if you can stop at five and if it doesn’t happen often enough that eating too many nuts will be a problem) or getting a big drink of water. A walk often energizes but I’m guessing if you can’t take a nap, you also can’t go on a walk. Any little activity helps even if it’s just to the kitchen or water fountain to get a drink. But beyond that, it’s tough when you can’t get a nap.
The best thing would be to try to get adequate sleep the night before and exercise and eat right regularly as that usually gives us more energy long-term. Or to just take a nap – but let’s face it, we can’t always do that when we need it. Sometimes we just have to be tired. :(
I can’t remember if I ever changed these questions since this blog post. I Deserve a Donut is available as a free iOS and Android app so you could download it and look if you’re interested.