In today’s Taste for Truth Podcast interview, Stacey shares how God helped her to lose 150 pounds through the renewing of her mind.
Stacey followed a program where she had to cut out sugar and white flour and plan out what she would eat each day.
One of the problems with programs like this is that we feel like life is boring because we can’t have sugar. Towards the end of the podcast, Stacey shares how she deals with that issue, renewing her mind before she enters into situations where she might feel like she’s missing out by not eating sugar.
Whether you follow Stacey’s boundaries or not, you’ll be able to learn from her experience as she goes to God for help with life.
New Weight Loss Bible Study Class Starting
I also wanted to let everyone know that there is a Freedom from Emotional Eating Bible study that just began October 8th that you can still join. You can find out about them here: Online Bible Studies.
Before and After Pictures
Here are some before and after pictures of Stacey’s journey! I also wanted to let you know that she followed her boundaries on her Italy trip (which she mentioned on the podcast interview) and we all know what a victory that would be!
Facebook Support Group for Those Who Are Giving Up Sugar
If you’re thinking of giving up sugar, here’s a FB group you can join for support: (This group is no longer active.)
How to Listen to the Podcast
Click here to listen and subscribe to the podcast on iTunes
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Resources We Discussed In the Podcast
Here are some of the resources we talk about on the podcast:
Thank you!
I so needed to hear this podcast. I am a retired 66 year old nurse and have accomplished the weight loss 70 pounds through a popular eating plan. But, I know I have an addiction to food, probably sugar and flour, and I am an emotional eater. I have been greatly struggling with maintaining that weight loss. I’m single with no children, am an active member of my church but, I need a supportive group that I could engage with regarding this struggle. Do you have any suggestions?
Hi Jeanette! There are a couple of Bible studies that have just started for help with renewing that you could still join – here’s the link for that: – and then if you wanted to do Bright Line Eating I’m not sure what they have available but you could check out their website as well. Here’s a link to that: Also, this is a perfect time for you to start since you’ve already lost the weight. That’s so great that you lost 70 pounds!! I would definitely join one of those Bible study groups if you’re not already in one. Also, in the blog post I included a link to a Christian FB group for help with staying off sugar. You could check that out as well! It’s right under the before and after pictures. Oh just had another idea – could also start a TFT Bible study in your church to have local support. Hope one of these ideas helps!
Thank you for this podcast! Stacey’s testimony is such an encouragement and I could relate to so much of what she shared. My success hasn’t been as consistent as hers, but I’m getting there. She found Bright Line Eating (BLE) and then Taste for Truth, whereas I did them at the same time and they compliment each other well. Many of the principles in BLE are easily applicable to Biblical truth. In the book Bright Line Eating she talks about the saboteur and in Biblical terms it is the “old nature”, the flesh and the devil. Bright lines are boundaries, which you talk about in your materials. BLE delves into the science and our brain in relation to sugar, and it completes the picture. The susceptibility scale, which is available on the BLE website, can help someone understand how addictive their brain is and why for some of us, no sugar or flour is a necessary boundary. Thank you, Barb for all the resources you point out to us. They are very helpful.
Oh that’s interesting that they have a susceptibility scale. I actually just googled it and took the test and got a 10 – thankfully my scale would be much lower now! I only watched the first couple minutes of her video but it looked good! Here’s the link to the quiz in case anyone is reading this comment: – thanks for commenting, Sandy, and adding that resource!
I’d love to be in fellowship with Christians doing Bright line eating! My Facebook name is Julie Gehrke Cook.
Hi Julie! I think Stacey found the Facebook group for Christians through Brightline Eating but I’m not sure – if you can’t find it through that site, let me know and I’ll ask Stacey for a link to it.
Thank you, dear Barb! I’m completely impressed that you are so involved in your readers’ comments. Your ministry is a key to some missing pieces in my freedom from food obsession. I’m thankful to have found you all this a.m.
So glad the resources are helpful, Julie!
I’m signing up for Boot Camp today and will look you up on FB :-)
Thank you, dear Shelly.
Truly amazing story! Thank you for sharing and thank you Barb for continuing to be obedient to God in your pursuit to help others.
Thanks, Elyse! I’m glad you enjoyed the interview!
What an inspiring podcast! The pictures are amazing. Such a testament to how God can and wants to work in every aspect of our lives. Thank you for your work to help so many, Barb. Side note, I can’t get enough of that beautiful Southern accent!
Thanks, Virginia! I also loved Stacey’s beautiful accent! Was so fun to hear her story!
I have recently become convinced that I truly have a sugar addiction. Long story short, I too, am on the Bright Line Eating plan. In so many ways, I really believe that this plan is a healthy tool for weight loss, but I struggle with some of the philosophy in the program. I think it is God’s Providence though, that Taste for Truth is right there on my desk along with my Bright Line Eating materials, my Bible, my day planner, a book and study guide called Sweet Freedom (which I believe was another of Barb’s interviews???), my journal and the I Deserve a Donut downloaded on my tablet. I haven’t listened to Barb’s podcasts in awhile but I just clicked on this one today, weeks after the broadcast, and wouldn’t you know that a fellow Christian and Bright Line Eater is on. Thanks to Stacey for sharing her story. Thanks to Barb for this podcast. And mostly, thanks to God for answers to prayer.
Hi Marianne! That’s so great that you found the interview after you started the program. I’m not really familiar with the program but I’ve had several people tell me they have good results with it. I do think it’s far easier to completely give up sugar than to have it in limited quantities when it’s in that addictive stage – plus I know for a lot of people it’s better to give it up for life. So glad you’re willing to hold sugar with open hands and I’m praying God will help you sift through everything and cling to the truth. I’m glad the podcast was helpful!
Thanks for your reply, Barb. Yes, I definitely am sifting through all these materials. Right now, the Bright Line Eating food plan is really working well. I’m not sure about the long term sustainability of the program, but for today, I can do this. As I understand it, BLE’s recommended guidelines are no sugar and no flour for good, although the leader is very gracious about these being recommendations and not laws. My immediate plan is to follow that food plan to a goal weight, and get my spiritual support from the Lord and various Christian resources. I’ll be praying for God’s guidance regarding long term boundaries though. Thank you so much for your books and online resources.
That sounds good, Marianne. If you decide to switch to different long-term boundaries, it will be more of an adjustment but you could just renew your mind more to help with that if you think you can handle the sugar and flour. It would be interesting to hear what others do when they hit goal. I know Stacey was planning to stay off sugar and she said she did well on her Italy trip.
Have you found others in a FB group or elsewhere who are believers doing BLE? I am signing up for boot camp today and would really like to find a group of like-minded Christians bc I too am a bit concerned about the New Age bent that Susan seems to have.
Hi Shelly
Good for you that you are entering the BLE boot camp. I have joined both the Taste for Truth FB group, and the Bright Line Disciples We are BLEssed FB Group. I like them both but I’m not a regular FB type of person, so from the social media perspective, I’m probably not a great person to ask. When I do log in though, I have found both to have many thoughtful, helpful comments from members; and the BLE group will be somewhat useful too, but secular. Staying tuned into Barb Raveling’s resources (books, website, podcasts, etc.) has been very helpful.
I would agree that there is non-Christian content to the BLE program. However, if you carefully and prayerfully put it all through what I call my Bible filter, I think you will find some extraordinarily helpful tools and support. And I have never felt condemned in BLE because of my beliefs; just that I’m not on board with every bit of it.
Personally, I have fallen off the wagon over the holidays, but as of today, I’m in rezoom mode, so I’ll be sort of starting over. I still haven’t joined /formed a “Mastermind Group” yet. Those smaller groups are highly encouraged by Susan and I think for good reason. Once you get started, let me know if you’ll be looking for a Mastermind Group. Perhaps we could discuss that. All my best to you. I’ll say a prayer for your success.
Thank you, Marianne
I actually signed up for Boot Camp on Dec 29 and my Day 1 was Sunday, Jan 6. I know that things like buddies and mastermind groups are part of the plan, but not sure yet when or how those happen. To be honest, I’m a bit overwhelmed w/ all of the components of the program at the moment that I don’t know how I’d fit in another step. I definitely know that I need support though. I have a very strong “isolater” and would likely have been more successful at earlier weight loss attempts if I’d stayed connected in a group.
Thanks for reaching out!
You’re very welcome Shelly. And, I hear ya . There is so much information out there that it can be overwhelming. I too am overwhelmed, having done the BLE Boot Camp and now struggling with whats next.
BLE is full of good tools that really work; and although I keep falling off the wagon, I still keep climbing back on the BLE wagon as far as the food plan goes. I’m also really diving into the spiritual aspect of this journey. Among other things, I’m doing Barb’s Freedom from Emotional Eating Bible Study. I just love Barb’s books.
Take one day at a time and remember God loves you. :)
Stacey & Barb
Thank you , thank you, thank you a million times over for this podcast! I listened about 2 months ago and it so resonated with me. I immediately looked up BLE and bought the book. I just finished the 14 day challenge and am now ready to sign up for a boot camp. I lost a significant amount of weight last year using the truths in Taste for Truth but never truly addressed my addiction and the pounds and lies came rushing in w a vengeance. I believe that BLE may hold some of the keys to helping me make those things that I know to do automatic.
God bless you both for sharing!
ps…Stacey, is there a FB group of Christians doing BLE?
Hi Shelly! I’m so glad you were helped by the interview! Hoping that you were able to find a FB group of Christians doing BLE and praying God will give you success in this new year!
Thank you, Barb. I actually just connected w/ Stacey from your interview and she’s starting an online Taste for Truth study in a few weeks :-)
God bless you for all the immense encouragement and help that you and your materials have given me!