Philippians Online Bible Study
Welcome to the Philippians Online Bible Study sign-up page! Let me tell you a little bit about the study we’ll do together.
My new Philippians Bible study has 16 lessons in it, and we will meet on Zoom to discuss six of the lessons together (you can do the remaining lessons on your own). Because my husband’s work schedule is one-week-on/one-week-off, we’ll do some of the lessons on Tuesday evenings and some of the lessons on Wednesday mornings. Here’s a schedule of the classes and meeting times:
Wednesday mornings classes: 9 am PST, 10 am MST, 11 am CST, 12 pm EST
- May 15 – Lesson 2: Loving When It’s Hard to Love
- May 29 – Lesson 6: People Pleasing, Self-Pleasing, and God-Pleasing
- June 12 – Lesson 15: Letting Go of Anxiety
- May 21 – Lesson 4: Letting Go of Idols
- June 4 – Lesson 11: Finding Your Identity in Christ
- June 18 – Lesson 16: Learning to Be Content
You’ll need to purchase a book and do the lesson before each class, as we’ll be discussing it in the class.
What if I can’t make it to all of the classes?
Because each of the lessons in the Philippians Bible study covers a different topic, you can come to one of these classes, some of them, or all of them.
The sessions will not be recorded as I want to encourage people to show up on camera, feel free to share comments, and will also be doing some breakout rooms so I’m not sure the format will lend itself to recording. But if I find there is a lot of interest in one topic, I’ll try to do a podcast episode on the topic and include some of the insights from the class.
If you’d like to come to any or all of the classes, sign up below. I’d love to see you there! You’ll receive an email shortly after you sign up with the Zoom link for the class.