Do you ever feel like it’s too hard to follow your boundaries?
Maybe you had a hard day at work, or you’ve been going through a rough time in your life.
Or maybe you’ve been surrounded by tasty treats that are hard to resist.
Or maybe you just have strict boundaries that can be hard to follow at times.
We’re often tempted to throw in the towel and give up on our boundaries in those situations—or at the very least, change our boundaries so they’re easier to follow.
In today’s coaching interview with Leigh on the Taste for Truth Podcast, we’ll discuss some of the things that make us want to give up in those situations.
Here are a few of the topics we’ll be covering:
- emotional eating
- whether or not to give up sugar
- black and white thinking
- how strict to make your boundaries
- eating when tired
- imperfect progress
- how to speak to yourself when you break your boundaries
New Online Bible Studies Starting
Also wanted to let you know there are a couple of new online Bible studies starting. Click here for more info: Online Bible Studies
Resources We Mentioned on the Podcast
- A Christian Facebook support group for those who are trying to give up sugar – (This group is no longer active.)
- Overcoming Black and White Thinking in Your Weight Loss Journey with Brandice Lardner
Links to Past Episodes of Taste for Truth Podcast
I’ve recently transferred the Taste for Truth Podcast from to If you’d like to see a list of all of the past episodes with links to them (most of the old episodes are still over at the other website), click here: Taste for Truth PodcastArchives.
How to Listen to the Podcast
You can also listen to any of the old episodes on your podcast apps or by clicking on the colorful buttons (Apple Podcasts, Android, etc.) at the top right on a desktop or laptop, or by scrolling down to the bottom of the page on a mobile device.
To help with my no sugar commitment I have found that if I allow myself to have 1 square of 70% or higher dark chocolate, it takes away the feeling of deprivation. There are days when I don’t even feel like I need it.
Plus dark chocolate is supposed to be good brain food.
That’s interesting, Mavis! Is there very much sugar in a dark chocolate bar? I know they don’t taste as sweet to me when they’re a higher dark chocolate content. I’ll have to try that for myself. See if I can eat it with control. :) I can with chocolate chips so it seems like I could possibly do it with a dark chocolate bar. I just started adding in chocolate chips for dessert at lunch if I feel like having them so this might be a nice way to switch it up!
It has a little but it doesn’t send me into binge mode. To help with portion control I buy the pre-wrapped single squares, so if I have more than one it is a deliberate action.
Oh that’s a great idea!
I absolutely love what resources I have read/heard of yours Barb! I am just really unclear of which book I should start with…. I was on the keto diet and did well with it for about 4 weeks plus I integrated exercise. I found out about taste for truth and I deserve a donut (the app) and have tried to renew my mind. I recently relapsed on sugar and carbs…. now I am trying to get to the root of this issue. I am exhausted from turning to food instead of God….it never fails I begin to lose wieght and feel great and then I seem to go back to my old ways as soon as I begin to see progress. I cannot take it anymore! It is so bad I begin to obsess over it and that seems to make it more impossible to get back on the right track. This time around since I have not been following my boundries I haven’t been beating myself up but feel like I should so I get back in line…..if that makes sense….anyways I am not sure which book to begin with…..please help guide me in the right direction.
Hi Tabitha! I’m glad you’re not beating yourself up this time around! I would begin with Taste for Truth and I Deserve a Donut as TFT focuses more on establishing boundaries. Then I would do Freedom from Emotional Eating after than one. Hope that helps! If you look at the weight loss tab at the top of the blog and then the sub-tab Christian Weight Loss Resources, that will also give you some extra info. Also, I think there is a Taste for Truth Bible study starting up soon – you can check on that Other Resources tab and the Online Bible Study sub-tab to find that info! Hope you enjoy the study and find it helpful!