Do you ever find yourself struggling with your eating boundaries when your normal routine is interrupted? Do you find it difficult to get back to “real life” after coming home from a vacation or a holiday? If so, you’ll want to listen to today’s episode of the Taste for Truth podcast. I get to talk with Linda, a school teacher, about the challenges she faces with her eating during those transitional times in her life.
Types of Transitions We Talk About on the Podcast
- When plans change suddenly
- From summer break to school or school to summer break
- From vacation to real life or from real life to vacation
- From weight loss to maintenance
We didn’t talk about transitions from one task to another on this podcast, but I find that’s another common time for us to break boundaries. For this type of transition, the first step is to be aware of it. It’s often caused by procrastination. We don’t want to switch to the next activity so we procrastinate. And we often eat to procrastinate! This type of transition eating could be solved by doing the procrastination questions in the I Deserve a Donut app or by asking two questions: 1) Why am I procrastinating, 2) What’s the first step? Then focus on the first step.
Tips for Overcoming Transition Eating
- Plan for transition (perhaps by using the “transition cards” idea from the podcast).
- Renew more than usual.
- Plan some things you like to do for the first 2-3 days of a transition to help ease yourself into it.
- Remember how much you enjoy life with boundaries.
- Practice gratitude and let go of entitlement.
- Make time to think and prepare ahead of time (like putting notifications on your phone to remind you to think about it).
- Let go of unrealistic expectations (for how perfect you should be by now, for regular life, etc.).
- Focus on being nourished by God (rather than feeling like you need good food and fun vacations to get your nourishment needs met).
Resources Mentioned on the Podcast
- Taste for Truth
- Freedom from Emotional Eating
- I Deserve a Donut App
- How to Pray with Thanksgiving blog post
How to Listen to the Podcast:
- Google: Click here to subscribe or listen on Google Podcasts.
- Stitcher: Click here to subscribe or listen on Stitcher.
- Apple Podcasts: Click here to subscribe or listen on Apple Podcasts. (If you haven’t subscribed to the podcast on Apple, this can sometimes take a few hours to update.)
- Android: Click here to subscribe or listen on Android.
- Spotify: Click here to subscribe or listen on Spotify.
- Amazon Alexa: To listen on Amazon Alexa, say, “Alexa, play the Taste for Truth Podcast.”
Phyllis Ormsby says
Barb, thank you so very much for providing all these resources to help us break free of our strongholds. Eating, procrastinating – I see so many struggling with these stumbling blocks just as I have. Thank you for caring, thank you for all this work that I know has to be involved in creating these books and blogs and all the resources on your website! I look forward to each new podcast! Your efforts have truly made a huge difference in my life and I am trying to tell others that help is available. God bless you and thanks!!
Barb Raveling says
Thank you so much, Phyllis, for that encouragement. It really means a lot to me. I’m so glad God is using the resources to help make a difference in your life. Yay!! It’s so wonderful to see ourselves change and grow, isn’t it? Thank you for telling others about the resources and for your encouraging comment. I appreciate it!