Let me ask you a question. What do you think of when you hear the word ministry? Close your eyes for a minute and see what comes to mind.
Here’s what comes to my mind: A big church. A band. Lots of people. Praise music. People having a good time.
Here’s what doesn’t come to mind: Sacrifice. Suffering. Spiritual attack. Ridicule. Or reaching out to others when it costs everything I have.
Yet think of it. That was Jesus’s experience of ministry. Sure, He had some good times. Fellowship. Relationships. Alone time with His Father. But so much of His ministry was plain and simple service. Dying to Himself to do the Father’s will.
I don’t know about you. But that’s not my idea of ministry. Or maybe it is in an idealistic, theoretical sense, but in practice? I want the fun ministry. The one everyone loves. The one that enriches my life. The one that requires very little sacrifice.
A Biblical View of Ministry
So when I started looking through the Bible for the answers to my own ministry problems, I was blown away by what the Bible had to say. Here it is in a nutshell: ministry is service.
The noun form of the Greek word for ministry (diakonia) is usually translated ministry, but the verb form (diakoneo) is almost always translated serve and the one who does ministry (diakonos) is a servant even though it’s often translated minister.
Listen to the Strong’s definition of diakonos: one who executes the commands of another, esp. of a master, a servant, attendant, minister. a) the servant of a king, b) a deacon, c) a waiter, one who serves food and drink.
Since waiter and deacon don’t really apply to most of our ministries, we can assume that a) is the definition for us.
A Servant of the King
So what does this look like in our own ministries? Simple. When we “do ministry” it’s an act of service to our King.
Not an act to make us look good. Not an act to give us a fun, exciting life. Not an act to build up our bank accounts so we can have a secure retirement. And not an act to turn us into good Christians.
It’s an act of service to the King – we serve Him by serving others.
When we look at it that way, we don’t need a huge blog, a big, popular Bible study, or a big church to be successful.
Because it’s not about success – it’s about doing the Father’s will.
Journal Activity: Think of your own ministry or blog. Is there anything God wants you to do that you haven’t been doing? Is there anything you’ve been doing that God doesn’t want you to do?
Question: How would your ministry and/or blogging experience change if you were to ask, “What does the King want me to write (or do) today?” rather than “What are these guys expecting me to do?” or “What will get the most people to come to my blog or ministry” or “What will make the least amount of people mad?”
Wow Barb, thought provoking post, as always. I esp needed to hear this today. That question makes all the difference! I still think about ‘others’ a whole lot..and i don’t even think it’s necessarily bad if kept in balance. Just that i shouldn’t be working ‘angles’ to please others..at the expense of the King.
That’s a good way to put it, Ngina – working angles to please others. Too often I ask those other questions and then I feel like I have to have the perfect post – maybe the questions wouldn’t be so bad if I weren’t so prone to following them without asking God if He wants me to follow them. I’m learning, though – I’ve had a couple of peaceful posting days in a row now!
I am so blessed to be in a church where the pastor promotes & encourages this biblical view of ministry. Yet, I realize how much it is not promoted too. I also truly try to apply this approach to my blogging and other projects. As long as I keep focused this way, blogging is a blessing. When I lose my focus, it becomes more of a struggle. I think this was a much-needed topic to be covered. Good job.
This is so true, Kari – I think the main reason it’s been a struggle for me is because I haven’t been seeing ministry from God’s point of view. He’s really been speaking to me through His Word lately – looking forward to posting a Bible study on it on Wednesday.
Great post!
My family tends to think of my blogging as a “Hobby”, I think of it as a ministry. Especially since it does cost me something. Everyday I give up something I’d rather be doing in order to do what I feel God wants. Most days I really enjoy it, but some days I’d like to take a break. But until God tells me to, I can’t. This life, this blog, is not my own.
Over the past year I’ve struggled with getting over fears regarding what I post. I won’ lie, sometimes I still do struggle over it, sometimes I don’t want to post what God asks of me. But as I draw closer to God the easier it is to lay down my own will for His- easier but not automatic.
I feel the same way, TC. Every day it costs me something. It seems like every day God also gives me something, too – friends like you, for one!
Thats sweet. I feel the same!
God bless.
Thanks for this Barb. My dh has told members of our church for years that we are all in ministry together. For some it is what we do for income for all of us it is our living. When it comes to blogging I definitely think of it as my ministry. Each day I surrender it as a reminder that it’s not about me. In a world where popularity rules it’s hard to ignore stats, but it is my hope and prayer. I love this series. Great reminders!
I like your husband’s perspective, Deb. And I imagine each area of ministry has its own temptations – stats is definitely one of ours. I’m excited to get to the point of living free of them – the study of ministry in the Bible has really been helping me with it!
One cool think about diakonos is that the same word is used to mean waiting on tables and also the apostles teaching the word. Different ways of serving – but both just as lofty in God’s eyes.
That’s interesting, isn’t it? We all have different gifts but they’re equally important.
Hmmm. I guess I think of my blogging ministry as”fishing”. You (a reader) may not know it, but I’m searching for hurting people. Why? Because we all have burdens. I share your pain. If I can lighten a burden in any way~ a prayer or doing something special to let you know you matter and God crossed our paths for a reason.
Hope in Christ.
I love how un-suspecting people find me. I pray I am an arrow pointing towards Heaven, in an un-suspecting way!
Wow, Elizabeth, that’s a beautiful way to think of it. Searching for hurting people. I guess I pray that way when I’m not posting – I need to start thinking that way when I post!
GREAT topic, Barb. You’re right. I don’t normally think of service and sacrifice, yet that’s exactly what it is. I have a post coming up tomorrow on this topic that I wrote before I read your blog. I think God’s trying to tell me something. :-)
Just read your post, Melanie – it was comforting and reassuring and spoke to me about blogging. Thanks!