Do you ever feel like you have a million things to do, but you’re not doing any of them? Do you make a to-do list and then promptly lose it or ignore it? Do you suspect you’ll never get caught up?
If you’re a procrastinator, you know how hopeless that feels because we’ve all been there.Thankfully, God can help us overcome procrastination!
Romans 12:2 tells us we’re transformed by the renewing of the mind. This works for anything we want to change, including overcoming procrastination.
The question is, how do you renew your mind about procrastination? That’s one of the questions we’ll be answering in Freedom from Procrastination. The book includes:
- Bible Studies to help you explore why you procrastinate and how to overcome it. As you see how people like Moses, Jonah, and Jesus handled the things they didn’t feel like doing, you’ll see how you can handle those things.
- Productivity tips to help you attack procrastination from a practical perspective.
- To-do lists to help you develop the habit of making and finishing a realistic to-do list each day.
- Renewing activities to help you renew your mind when everything in you is shouting, “I’ll do it later!” This will make you actually want to do your dreaded task or habit–or at least not mind doing it.
- Accountability charts to help you keep on track when you feel like giving up.
Paperback and Kindle Available
- Freedom from Procrastination – Paperback (This is the version I recommend since there are so many charts in the book along with to-do lists.)
- Freedom from Procrastination – Kindle version
Nancy says
I cannot get into the Facebook group to sign up for the classes by clicking the link. Please help!
Barb Raveling says
Hi Nancy, Someone else said the same thing earlier. Were you trying to get into the Monday night or Tuesday morning class?
Barb Raveling says
Here’s the link to the Monday class:
And here’s the link to the Tuesday class:
If these don’t work, email me a link to your facebook page and I’ll try to add you, Nancy!
Julie says
Oops, not working
Barb Raveling says
Hi Julie! I’m sorry it’s not working. It seems like it is for some and not for others, and I can’t figure out how to change it! You can either email me a link to your facebook page and I can add you or here is another thing you can try:
Go to your Facebook account, click on “Groups” (this will be on the left under the Explore heading on a desktop and it will be on the bottom right on your phone – the three little lines to the right of the bell). Under groups, search for Freedom from Procrastination Bible Study – Monday Night Group or Freedom from Procrastination Bible Study – Tuesday Morning Group (depending on which one you want to join). When you find it, you’ll need to request to join and I’ll accept you within 12 hours.
Hope one of these options works! Sorry about the trouble!
Virginia Duckworth says
Yippee!! A new study! Thank you for all your work, Barb and Praise the Lord!!
The link worked for me by the way:)
Barb Raveling says
Thanks, Denise! I’m excited about it!
Sonia Ridge says
Hi Barb, I am interested in the Tues morning class but I don’t do Facebook. I have the zoom app and have done other zoom groups. Am I able to sign up without Facebook?
Barb Raveling says
Hi Sonia, Yes, you can still join. Just email me through the start here tab at the top of my blog and i can send you the zoom link!
Kim says
Will you be recording these classes? I would love to join in but my schedule won’t allow it.
Barb Raveling says
Hi Kim, I’m sorry they aren’t at times that will work for you! For now I’m asking people not to join unless they can come to half the classes as I’m not sure yet if I’ll be recording them and there’s a max limit on the classes themselves. But I think there’s a good chance the Tuesday morning class will have room in it to sign up, if you don’t mind waiting until a little closer to November 5th to sign up!
Barb Raveling says
Hi Kim! Looks like there is room in the Tuesday morning class and I’ll be taping the sessions, so go ahead and sign up if you’d like!
Kim says
Thank you!
Barb Raveling says
You’re welcome, Kim! Hope the classes are helpful!
Vicki says
What is the time for the Monday night class? I am sorry if I am asking and it is already listed I just can’t seem to find it.
Thank you,
Barb Raveling says
Hi Vicki! It’s at 8:30 EST. I wanted to do it late enough that Pacific Coast people could do it after work although i know it’s a little late for East Coast!
Barb Raveling says
Hi Vicki! It’s at 8:30 EST. I wanted to do it late enough that Pacific Coast people could do it after work although i know it’s a little late for East Coast!
Laureen bakri says
Hi Barb,
There is not one book that you have written that does not speak directly to my life. I want to purchase your newest book on procrastination, but wait, I have not done the Freedom from Emotional Eating Study or completed reading I Deserve A Donut, The Renewing of the Mind Project or completed Taste for Truth Bible Study.
I need help! I want to change., Do you have any online classes for the Freedom from Emotional Eating Study and has the third edition changed significantly that I should purchase an updated copy?
Barb Raveling says
Oh you are so funny, Laureen! Maybe the procrastination study is the one you need the most! :) haha, the truth really is, though, that all of these studies are hard to do because they all ask us to change and that’s hard to do! I don’t know of anyone doing any online classes right now for FFEE – do you have a friend you might be able to do it with? And no, it hasn’t change at all – just the cover!