Do you feel like you are addicted to food? Do you find yourself eating to manage the stress in your life? If so, you will be encouraged by this victory interview on the Taste for Truth Podcast (links below). I speak with Karen Seager about using the renewing of the mind to finally let go of her emotional eating.
What We Discussed on the Podcast
- Family sin patterns and how they affect our lives
- How food can be an addiction just like other substances
- How emotional “habiting” keeps us from gaining spiritual maturity
- The importance of overcoming condemnation on our journey to food freedom
- How lies we believe fuel our negative emotions
- Overcoming lies with truth journaling and the renewing of the mind
- Identifying the messages that loop through our minds frequently
- How overcoming the struggle with food is a new way of thinking
Resources Mentioned on the Podcast
- Barb’s newest book: Say Goodbye to Emotional Eating
- Leader’s Guide to Say Goodbye to Emotional Eating
- Soul Care by Rob Reimer
- Praying God’s Word by Beth Moore
- Freedom from Emotional Eating
- The Renewing of the Mind Project
- Redeeming Your Phone Time
- Trim Healthy Mama Eating Plan
- Blog post & podcast episode: 8 Tips to Maintain Your Weight Loss
Listen to the Podcast
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- Apple Podcasts: Click here to subscribe or listen on Apple Podcasts. (If you haven’t subscribed to the podcast on Apple, this can sometimes take a few hours to update.)
- Android: Click here to subscribe or listen on Android.
- Spotify: Click here to subscribe or listen on Spotify.
- Amazon Alexa: To listen on Amazon Alexa, say, “Alexa, play the Taste for Truth Podcast.”