I used to be a firm believer in the power of New Year’s resolutions.
Each New Year’s Day I’d get out my little notebook, divide it into categories (family, spiritual, physical, etc.), write out my New Year’s resolutions, and then sit back and wait for the new and improved me to miraculously appear.
Each year, I failed.
I ended the year the same way I started the year. Same old bad habits. Same old unmet goals. Same old me.
My problem wasn’t that I didn’t want to change. I did. My problem was that I was trying to change too many things at once and that I didn’t know how to change.
Instead of relying on God’s strength, I was relying on my own. And I was a weakling in the strength department.
A Habit that will Help You Reach Your Goals
That all changed about ten years ago when I developed the habit of the renewing of the mind. This discipline has done more to bring me close to God, help me break free from idolatry and sin, and even accomplish goals than anything else I’ve ever done in my life other than intense Bible study.
I’ve spoken about this habit on my blog before, but have always wanted to come up with a way to help those of you who would like to start the habit but can’t make yourself do it. I’m hoping this series will give you a hand up if you want to give the habit a try.
If you’d like to join in, here’s what to do:
The New Year’s Resolutions Bible Study
- New Year’s Resolutions Bible Study Worksheet
- Making a Plan
- Working With God on Your Goal
- Renewing of the Mind Bible Study Week 1
- Renewing of the Mind Bible Study Week 2
- Renewing of the Mind Bible Study Week 3
- Renewing of the Mind Bible Study Week 4
- If you get discouraged along the way, do this Bible study: Bible Study: When God Doesn’t Change You Instantly
If you’d like another resource to help you with your goal, check out The Renewing of the Mind Project
Also, if you want to ask a friend or family member to do the project with you, that would be great. It’s always nice to have a little face-to-face encouragement.
Sounds awesome Barb. I will be looking forward to that series.
We definitely cannot do it in our strength and need God. I love the requirement that says it has to be one that we “can’t do in your
own strength.”
God bless you Barb. I wish you a blessed 2013, discovering more of the depth, width, breadth and length of God’s everlasting love for us.
Thanks, Maureen. I love your New Year’s blessing. I can’t think of anything else I’d rather have than to know more of God and His love for us. I was just reading in Ephesians 3:16-21 this morning about knowing the love of Christ which surpasses knowledge and being filled up to all the fullness of God. Love it! I wish the same for you this new year, and I’ll enjoy having you along for this study!
Sounds wonderful, I look forward to doing this. Currently I have a few idea’s in mind. I need to spend time asking God what He’d like me to focus on. I feel Him telling me this year is about “dependence on Him”. I’m not sure what all that means and to be honest, I’m a little scared, but I know I’ll grow and that’s what matters.
God bless your year. Thank you for this Bible Study! It’s much needed.
Hmm, dependence on Him – that sounds like a good focus for the year. I like it! I’ll be interested to see what you come up with for a project. I’m glad you’re joining in!
Excellent! I look forward to following and learning…
I was just reading your blog earlier this morning – you are an inspiration to me! I can’t imagine the “opportunities” you must have to grow closer to God and more like Him through trials. I was aching as I read your post, but I know God uses hardship to bring us closer to Him in ways we don’t always experience when life is running smoothly along. I look forward to hearing your perspective on life with God from such an in-depth situation with Him.
Wow. I just read your “About Bill” page on your blog. What an incredible perspective you have to be sharing lessons on trials from. Not one you’d like to have, but God is incredible in all situations. I’m thankful He has helped you to grow and be content and will pray for continued grace.
Thank you, Barb. You’re right, severe trials bring us closer to the heart of Christ. I think the key to retaining a sense of joy and peace (not getting depressed) is to focus on the spiritual insight you’ve gained instead of the every day pleasures you’ve lost, which is easier said than done:-)
I believe that!
After a harried, fun-filled month of wedding, Christmas, and out-of-town guests, I’m back in the land of the living. I admit there were moments I felt like the “walking dead” because I was doing life on my own strength. Managing my time better is a resolution. To find more time for the Lord, more time to blog, more time to serve others, more time to smell the roses. Alas, there are still only 24 hours in a day, and I’m another year older and slower. But there must be a better way to squeeze more from my day. :) Happy New Year. I look forward to going into 2013 with your words of wisdom.
Sounds like we are working on similar goals, Karen. I’m also going to try to learn how to use my time well this year. It’s been a stronghold since I was in college. Looking forward to seeing what God will do!
Hello Barb,This sounds like something I’d love to do. However, I do not have a Facebook account and I really don’t want to open one. Do I have to have Facebook to participate? Brenda BurgoDate: Mon, 31 Dec 2012 10:08:25 +0000 To: brenda.burgo@hotmail.com
Hi Brenda, No, you don’t have to have a Facebook. It didn’t occur to me that not everyone will have Facebook – I’ll either send the same assignments out by e-mail or just do the daily assignments on my blog. So either way you’ll be able to get them. I’ll try to decide in the next few days and announce it on my blog. I’m glad you’re going to be involved. It will be fun to have you!
I don’t have FB either. I am so excited to start this Barb! Thank You! Bless your heart! (((HUGS)))