It seems strange that I can know how to walk with God in one area of my life, but have no idea how to walk with Him in another.
When I wrote A Love Grown Cold, I hadn’t yet encountered the temptations of blogging. I wrote about those temptations last fall.
In a nutshell, I found myself fighting idolatry again after a nice long break from it. And fighting the temptation to turn to things other than God for help.
Learning How to Walk with God
In a sense, each renewing of the mind project is an exercise in learning how to walk with God in that area of your life.
My goal was to make a list and follow it. It doesn’t sound like a spiritual goal, but for me it was, because it tied in with all the issues that were affecting my walk with God.
Here’s what I learned: When I don’t feel like doing the next job on the list, it’s usually because I’m trying to fill myself up with things other than God, namely fun, excitement, acceptance, or the easy life.
So if I take a break at that point and renew my mind, I go back to the list, filled up with God and not needing all those other things to be happy. I’m ready to love. I’m ready to die. And I’m ready to to do the next job on my list.
Lessons Learned
I wish I could sit down and visit with you and find out what you’ve learned as you’ve renewed your mind about your goal. If you get a chance, jot me a note (contact info is in the about section) or leave a comment to share what God has been doing in your life. I’d love to hear!
This is the last week I’ll have a weekly plan, but I’m hoping you’ll continue to renew your mind on your own. Here’s a plan for the week – enjoy your time with God!
Monday: Has it been hard for you to keep pursuing your goal? If so, do the following Bible study for the trial of working on your goal: Keeping the Faith in the Storms of Life Bible Study.
Tuesday: Truth journal about your goal.
Wednesday: Renew your mind by journaling through a set of questions in I Deserve a Donut or The Renewing of the Mind Project. My friend Heidi wrote a great post on how she used the questions for a trial she was going through. Here is the link for that post: Transform Your Thinking.
Thursday: Sometimes I just use a simple set of questions to renew my mind. Answer these two questions in your journal with your goal in mind: How can I love God best in this situation? How can I love others best in this situation?
Friday: Read How to Use the Bible for Help with Real Life Problems. Then turn to Philippians 2:1-18, Philipppians 4:4-8, 1 Corinthians 13:1-8, or a Bible passage of your choice. Use this passage to visit with God about your goal. How is He speaking to you through the passage?
Write whatever comes to mind – a Scripture prayer, lessons learned, etc. The woman I interviewed this week for the guest post told me that praying and truth journaling through the whole book of Galatians was probably the activity that most helped her break free from feeling like she had to be perfect.
Saturday: Find some Bible verses that will help you with your goal. You can google them (Bible verses on anger, for example), search your Bible index, ask a friend, or look for verses on my blog or app. Write the Bible verses on index cards and carry them around with you to use as ammunition when the enemy attacks. Try to commit them to memory, as well.
Sunday: Make a conscious effort to pray with thanksgiving as you go throughout the day.
You are such an inspiration for me, Barb. With practical wisdom and STEPS to take to change the way I think…and the way I act (which naturally follows). Thank you.
You too, Heidi! Speaking of practical wisdom and steps to change, your new blog is a great resource for fellow strugglers!
Barb you just get right to the point don’t you!! LOL!! Here’s what I have mentally been denying!- (quoting you here) “Here’s what I learned: When I don’t feel like doing the next job on the list, it’s usually because I’m trying to fill myself up with things other than God, namely fun, excitement, acceptance, or the easy life.” OUCH!!! Just this morning I thought- you know the more Barb fights procrastination…………….the more I see that it is really ME fighting procrastination! And then I prayed for help. Well here it is. The truth hurts. I have denied it for far too long. I was only fooling myself.
O.K. pulling up my boot straps here. This is war. I will do the next thing on my list, I will fill myself up with God.
Thank You Barb! (((HUGS)))
Haha, Elizabeth, you are always so encouraging. I love your enthusiasm. And glad to have a fellow “fighter.” I’m not sure why this is a new revelation to me – it shouldn’t be, but it is! I think this is the difference – I thought the reason I was journaling was so I would have the strength to do the next job on the list. What I realized is that I was journaling so I could fill myself up with God again, so that I really didn’t care what I did next – if that makes sense. So that I was willing to live any sort of life for Him. It’s interesting how He teaches us lessons in layers, isn’t it?
Sorry for the delayed comment, Barb – I’ve been recovering from surgery.
It all comes down to idolatry. You’re spot on here when you talk about letting other things satisfy you instead of Christ. Deep truth!
Glad to hear you’re back, Loren. I’ve been praying for you the last couple of days – I noticed you hadn’t answered any comments on your blog, so I was wondering if you were okay. Hope you’re doing well recovering from surgery!