In Ephesians 6:12 Paul tells us our struggle isn’t against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, powers, world forces of this darkness, and the spiritual forces of wickedness in the heavenly places. That’s a lot of opposition. I’m not sure if ... [ Read More ]
How to Use Preparation Truth to Break (or Start) Your Habit
When our lab was a puppy, we always made him sit while we poured his food into the dish. He was able to control himself when he sat several feet away from his dish, but if he was right next to his food, the temptation was too great—he had to eat ... [ Read More ]
Practical Truth vs. Biblical Truth
If you were to ask a friend, "How do I get rid of a bad habit?" you probably wouldn't hear the answer Replace lies with truth. Yet that’s what the Bible tells us to do if we want to be transformed. So here’s the question: does it have to be ... [ Read More ]
Spiritual Warfare and Your Project
Last week we talked about using Scripture to renew our minds. Today I want to show how I used Scripture to help me with my own project which is making a list each day and actually following it. Usually I just use whatever Scripture I'm studying at ... [ Read More ]
How to Use the Bible for Help with Real Life Problems
Let me ask you a question: Do you need God? Or do you just want Him? It’s easy to reach the point where you need Him when you’re sick, destitute, or traumatized. It’s hard to reach that point when everything’s going well. That's one of the ... [ Read More ]
Guest Truth Journal
Note: This is a guest post by a young friend of mine who has been truth journaling for several years. Be sure to read all of her thoughts down the left side of her truth journal chart. I wrote this in the cafeteria my freshman year in college – on ... [ Read More ]
Truth Journaling: The List Method
Today I'd like to show you another way to truth journal. It's called the list method. Instead of writing out your thoughts, you begin by asking yourself a question: What am I believing that's making me not want to work on my goal? Or what am I ... [ Read More ]
Truth Journaling
Today I want to dive into our first renewing of the mind tool. It’s called truth journaling, and many of you are already familiar with this tool from my Bible Study Freedom from Emotional Eating. Truth journaling is a practice that sprang out of a ... [ Read More ]