It’s here! Launch day for my new book, Say Goodbye to Emotional Eating! I wish we could all just snap our fingers and be through with our weight loss woes forever, but unfortunately we can’t do that! Instead, God invites us to walk with Him through the transformation process.
That’s hard to make ourselves do, because often emotional eating is a stronghold. We’ve turned to food for comfort and safety for so long that it’s hard to stop. Not only that, we also have spiritual warfare going on as Satan doesn’t want us to break free from emotional eating. And definitely doesn’t want us to develop a renewing of the mind habit.
I know how hard it is because it took me more than five years to start consistently renewing my mind in the area of food boundaries. I needed all that renewing to break free, and if my emails are any indication, that’s what it takes for others to break free. Over and over when I ask people how they’re doing, the ones who renew several times a day in writing are seeing success, and the ones who renew only once a day, or not at all, aren’t seeing success.
I’m praying this will be a great new write-in-the-book resource to help you break free from emotional eating. If you’d like to see how it is different from my other books, check out this blog post and podcast episode: Why Did I Write Another Book on Emotional Eating?
How to Break Free from Emotional Eating
In today’s podcast episode, I visit with my friend Trish of the Happy, Holy, Healthy Life YouTube channel about how God changed me through the renewing of the mind after a 25-30 year emotional eating stronghold. You can either listen to the podcast or watch the interview on YouTube
Watch on YouTube: How I Broke Free from Emotional Eating
Listen to the Podcast
- Google: Click here to subscribe or listen on Google Podcasts.
- Stitcher: Click here to subscribe or listen on Stitcher.
- Apple Podcasts: Click here to subscribe or listen on Apple Podcasts. (If you haven’t subscribed to the podcast on Apple, this can sometimes take a few hours to update.)
- Android: Click here to subscribe or listen on Android.
- Spotify: Click here to subscribe or listen on Spotify.
- Amazon Alexa: To listen on Amazon Alexa, say, “Alexa, play the Taste for Truth Podcast.”
Leader’s Guide for Say Goodbye to Emotional Eating
Several women have asked if they could lead this as a group study. I think it would be great to do with a group and I am busy creating a leader’s guide for that purpose. I’ll come back and add that to this post when it’s ready (hopefully in a week), but email me if you need one sooner as I already have most of it written!
What We Talked About on this Episode
- Definition of emotional eating
- My own journey with emotional eating
- The difference between emotional eaters and non-emotional eaters
- Common lies we believe that contribute to overeating
- What a truth journal session looks like
- Why willpower doesn’t work to overcome emotional eating
- How to let go of negative emotions and emotional eating
- Why boundaries are important
- Can food be an idol?
- Does it ever get easier to maintain your weight?
Is the Leader’s guide for Saying Goodby to Emotional Eating ready yet? I am starting a small group study with some friends and would love that resource.
Hi Gretchen, I’m sorry I just saw this comment today! I’ll send a leader’s guide out today! Please let me know if you didn’t receive it by emailing me at my blog through the contact tab!
Hi Barb – I just got your book. I’d love a copy of your leaders guide!
Hi Dee, I’m sorry, I just saw your comment! I don’t have the complete leader’s guide ready, but I do have a leader’s guide draft. I’ll see if I have your email address from your comment and email it to you! If you don’t get it, please email me through the start here tab at my blog!
Hi Barb, preordered book through Amazon and just started reading. How many I access extra content. Thank you
Hi Mara, I’m so sorry, I just saw your comment! Did you ever get the extra content? If not, let me know here and I can email it to you! It may be easier just to email me through the start here tab at my blog under the contact tab. I’m not sure why I didn’t see your comment!
Hi Barb,
I want to know if there are new online groups – classes with this new book ?
I am not on FB if that is where the info is at .
HI Robin, I’m sorry I don’t know of any online groups. :(
Hi Barb,
I’ve been reading and studying your book for several weeks and it is SO HELPFUL! Thank you. I am going to share it with our ladies Bible study group at church. Could I please get a copy of the Leaders Guide? Thank you!