Do you ever feel like you have to be skinny? Do you obsess over what boundaries to choose? Do you often find yourself with too many boundaries? If so, this podcast will help. Anne and I will be talking about letting go of weight loss obsession.
Things We Talked About:
- How to let go of the idol of skinny
- The dangers of seeing ourselves as “skinny”
- The dangers of seeing ourselves as “fat”
- Why we need to stop seeing ourselves as one-dimensional
- A helpful way to see ourselves
- How obsession with weight loss (the skinny idol) keeps us from losing weight
- Why it’s necessary to let go of weight loss obsession if you want to stop bingeing
- How junior high and high school is different than the rest of life (and why we need to start believing that!)
- The value of truth journaling through the past
Lies We Talked About:
- I need to be skinny to be acceptable.
- If I’m not skinny, I’ll lose my friends. (One thing I forgot to mention on the podcast is this: If our friends will only like us if we’re skinny, how valuable is their friendship?)
- If I’m not skinny, people won’t like me.
Resources We Talked About:
- Freedom from Emotional Eating
- Taste for Truth
- Dear Daughters Podcast by Susie Davis: How Memories Impact Your Spiritual Life
- The Christian Habits Podcast
- The Neil Anderson episode of the Christian Habits Podcast
- FB Live Video: How to Choose Weight Loss Boundaries Without Going Crazy
How to Listen to the Podcast:
- Apple Podcasts: Click here to subscribe or listen on Apple Podcasts
- Google Play: Click here to subscribe or listen on Google Play
- Stitcher: Click here to subscribe or listen on Stitcher.
- Android: Click here to subscribe or listen on Android.
- Spotify: Click here to subscribe or listen on Spotify.
- Amazon Alexa: To listen on Amazon Alexa, say, “Alexa, play the Taste for Truth Podcast.” (Please let me know if you can’t get this to work! It works at my house, but I’m not sure if you have to be subscribed to the podcast to get Alexa to play it.)
Wow! That podcast really hit home! I can relate to Anne so much! Thanks to both of you!
Glad the podcast was helpful, Kristi!
I agree with Kristi, Barb. All of your podcasts mean so much to me, but this one is the closest to my heart and to my own struggle. I am so grateful to Anne for her vulnerability and to you for hearing and sharing these messages of comfort and freedom! Much love to both of you!
I’m so glad it was helpful, Caroline. I think this is something most of us have struggled with at one time or another with how much our culture is focused on looks and skinny. Thank you for your encouragement – I’m so glad the podcast was helpful!
Thank you so much barb and Anne this is so raw and truthful
I started reading the 40 day emotional eating study and it has been amazing and been so good to use during the covid crisis.
Oh that’s good, Anne. This covid crisis has been giving plenty of opportunities for emotional eating!
Thank you !! So much truth!!
So glad it was helpful, Michele!