Sometimes it helps to take a break and look at life. Find out what's working. What's not. And what needs to change. It also helps to do that with eating. If we find out what areas we need the most help with, we can then direct our renewing of the ... [ Read More ]
Weight Loss Bible Study Day 8: Vacation and Holiday Eating
Happy Independence Day! I thought I'd talk about holiday/vacation eating in this post since we'll have plenty of opportunities to break our boundaries today. It's easy to break boundaries on holidays and vacations because we have all kinds of ... [ Read More ]
Weight Loss Bible Study Day 7: Failure Eating
When I first started truth journaling 12 years ago, it never occurred to me to beat myself up when I failed. My renewing of the mind project was anger, but since I never did anything when I was angry (no yelling fits, throwing things, or nasty ... [ Read More ]
Weight Loss Bible Study Day 6: Entitlement Eating
It's hard to break free from entitlement eating because we hear the message everywhere we go: Life should be fair. You shouldn't have to suffer. You deserve the good life. This philosophy encourages us to eat in a couple of different ... [ Read More ]
Weight Loss Bible Study Day 5: “I Have to Be Skinny” Eating
Do you ever feel like you have to be skinny? I used to feel that way. Weight was that one thing in life I could never control. And because I felt like I had to be skinny, I made "losing weight" more important than God wanted me to make it. I ... [ Read More ]
Weight Loss Bible Study Day 4: Indulgent Eating
When I was in high school, I was on a dance team. Before each performance we had to weigh in. If we made weight, we performed. If we didn’t, we had to sit out. Because of this policy, those of us who were border-line in the weight department got ... [ Read More ]
Weight Loss Bible Study Day 3: Justification Eating
The more I work on breaking bad habits, the more I realize how deceitful my mind is. I rarely come right out and say, I’m going to break my boundaries. Instead, I try to make it seem like I'm not really breaking my boundaries. I do that by telling ... [ Read More ]
Weight Loss Bible Study Day 2: Careless Eating
It’s 11:30 in the morning, and I’ve already broken my boundaries. Not because I was dying to eat anything. But because I wasn't trying that hard not to eat anything. Granted, I’m on vacation right now. But if I think of past experience, vacation ... [ Read More ]
Weight Loss Bible Study: Day 1
Wouldn’t it be nice if we could solve all our eating problems in three weeks? I’ve been madly racking my brains for the last month trying to come up with a Bible study that would do just that. ... [ Read More ]
Is Failure Inevitable?
In some ways it's scary to pursue transformation. Because sooner or later, we know we're going to fail. And when that happens, as it inevitably will, the thought creeps into our minds like a slow-acting poison: why do I bother? I’ll never get over ... [ Read More ]