Do you ever struggle to follow your weight loss boundaries? Sometimes the reason we struggle is because we're believing lies about the boundaries. Letting go of those lies will help us with embracing weight loss boundaries. In today's episode ... [ Read More ]
When You Feel Like No One Likes You
Do you ever feel like no one likes you? I remember sitting in my house when my kids were little, thinking that the only person who liked me was our one year old—and she liked everyone! The truth is, people did like me back in those days. But I was ... [ Read More ]
10 Lies That Keep Us From Renewing Our Minds
Do you ever feel like you want to change, but you just can't seem to make it happen? Often the reason we can't change is because we're trying to change in our own strength--and we're not strong in that area of our lives. Romans 12:2 tells us what ... [ Read More ]
Is Perfectionism Ruining Your Quiet Times?
Over the past year I've had several women tell me they struggle with perfectionism in quiet times. This manifests itself in a few different ways. Sometimes people will feel like there's no use having a quiet time unless they can have a long one. ... [ Read More ]
7 Lies That Make Us Check Emails Too Often
I still remember the day my dad told me about email. He had just gotten an email account and he said I should get one. It will make my life easier, he said, because you can answer them right away. Oh, those days of innocence! Little did we ... [ Read More ]
4 Lies That Make You Feel Overwhelmed
Lately I've been feeling overwhelmed with life. As I go to God for help, the same lies keep surfacing. Here they are: four lies that lead to stress -- and the truth that will make life a little more relaxing: 1. It will be easier to do it ... [ Read More ]
Practical Truth vs. Biblical Truth
If you were to ask a friend, "How do I get rid of a bad habit?" you probably wouldn't hear the answer Replace lies with truth. Yet that’s what the Bible tells us to do if we want to be transformed. So here’s the question: does it have to be ... [ Read More ]